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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. After living in Thailand for 24 years, married for 22 years I've had enough of their antics. For the past 10 years I've used the same agent with not one problem. Previously when I was applying for marriage visas annually the rules always contradicted the previous rules even though they all used the same rule book.
  2. My late mother inlaw was the victim of regular B&B ( Bonking & Bashing ) for many years. My wife told me that it happens regularly up North especially when the males are $hit faced on Lao Kaow. I've never slapped my Isarn wife of 22 years as I fear the consequences if I were to miss.
  3. I was a professional cyclist in my younger days and I wouldn't ride a bike at anytime in Pattaya.
  4. A good friend of mine has 2 sets of twins. He maintains that its not the size of the weapon but the quality of the shot.
  5. Several years ago I seen a documentary about Buddhism including an interview with Dalai Lama. He was very cheerful answering questions regarding Buddhism. Then comes the question, what's your opinion of Thai Buddhism. He replied let's leave that one alone, next question please.
  6. I've been living in Thailand for the past 22 years and from past experiences I use Krungsri as my general account and Kasikorn as my back up and for power and water auto debits.
  7. I live next door to a Catholic organisation in Naklua 25. They say it's a refuge for women from broken relationships. They also say they teach them skills especially improving their English. I lived there for 8 years and I've never heard one word of English spoken. Instead of training to be good Catholics they make more noise than pre pubescent girls. Maybe I'm lucky because if God is taking good care of them, then he's only next door so he can take good care of me.
  8. The thing that gets me in this forum is how farangs take sides in Thai politics. All Thai politicians are bent especially the ones in senior positions. I married into a large family outside of Korat. Believe me when Yinluck was PM they had some sort of future. When the Army took over illegally they hit rock bottom. Let Thaksin become PM again and if he's not up to the likening of the Military then we will be back to the cretins from the Army to take over again.
  9. I've been traveling in and out of Bangkok over the past 22 years and I've never really been harassed but Manila was totally different. The key to traveling to Bangkok for the first time is go to an agent in your country and get a package to your Thai destination including transport etc. The next time when you come here everything will fall into place. I didn't have a clue on my first trip and rarely went out but now Thai hustlers don't worry me as I just brush them aside the same as a politician or a movie star would. In saying that be civil at all times and Thai people will back off.
  10. Maybe they could have a whip round amongst the generals active and retired. They wouldn't raise the amount required but they would amass a sizeable deposit.
  11. Thanks.
  12. Actually it's for a Thai drivers license renewal.
  13. Hi there, I need help as I have no idea how to use a QR code. Thanks.
  14. A 33 yo in Pattaya, he'd probably been on the nest that much he thought he could fly.
  15. As I have no idea how to use a QR code can I sit in the office and watch the video as I did for my last renewal.
  16. Thai hospitals in particular charge more than the most expensive pharmacies.
  17. I will be renewing my Thai drivers license in the next few months. As my current address of which I paid for is in my wifes name do I still have to produce a residence certificate. I've lived at my current address for the past 22 years. It has always been used in Thai one year visa and drivers license renewals.
  18. I buy 3 months of blood pressure tablets when I visit an outer suburb in Bangkok, it costs me 1,000 baht. The best price I can find in Pattaya is Fascino but it's nearly 2,000 baht. In Pattaya us permanents get slugged the tourist rates for everything.
  19. My balance went up by 20 baht and my expiry date has been extended by one month. That's saving me nearly 1,000 baht per annum for something I rarely use. Once again, thanks all.
  20. I just found the phone top up on Kasikorn online, the minimum top up is 20 baht thanks to all for your assistance
  21. I use Krungsri or Kasikorn Banks
  22. Thank you msbkk, how do I top up my phone using my internet banking.
  23. So is there a way to top up 10 baht per month without an orange machine. Where I live we don't even have an ATM close by.
  24. If I stop paying will One2Call eventually disable my account ?
  25. Hi there, I use One2Call for my local calls. As I very rarely use this I've built up 300 baht in my account. I checked *121# and I noticed that the balance is intact but they have stated that its valid until 23/02/24. So what happens then. I don't see why I should have to top up when I have a credit balance.. Is this another Thai scam ? Thanks.
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