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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. In our village the home owners are issued with gate passes to scan the boom gates. If a person is in arrears the pass doesn't work. That's fine on paper but the lame brain security people just leave the boom gates open.
  2. I didn't think that criminal activity in others countries really mattered here, or is that only come election time.
  3. Will this make any changes for people who use a visa agent for their 90 days reports?
  4. I lost my religion and my virginity in the same week. After that I was constantly looking girls who were up for it. As for religion I gave it a total miss and I've never thought about it again.
  5. Will immigration agents procedures change? I prefer my agent doing my 90 days report as I give my passport to him and he calls me when it's ready to pick up. I keep away from the Jomtien office at all cost,
  6. Hi there, I have this problem with Asean Now. I have to open AN 2 times before it will start searching. I must admit it's rather minor but it does get annoying. It never happens on any other website on my laptop. Thanks.
  7. I live in a soi close to Naklua Road, around 2 am every morning the motor cycle morons take over. It appears that Thais believe the faster one goes and the more noise you make is a great way of showing off. If the BIB's spent an hour or so at random they would have their hands full just writing out the tickets. Why not confiscate the bikes for a 3 months period for a first offence?
  8. Several years ago I was in a restaurant and found a fly in my soup. When I complained I was told to keep my my voice down as next thing everyone would want one.
  9. Maybe the motor bike taxi operators are the ones who should be filing 90 day reports. As there appears to be all sorts of dregs hitting Pattaya to make quick money.
  10. As a long time resident of Thailand with an Isaan wife I've been to many festivals ( pissathons ) up north. Believe me when they cut loose they are feral. Twenty against one is the odds they like, more so when they are one of the twenty. It appears that most were gang related, probably over the sale of yabba.
  11. So did Jim Thomson.
  12. Actually the good lady and I float between our house in Nong Chok Bangkok and our condo in Pattaya. I showed more interest when we took my wifes only grand child on many national parks around Thailand. Now he's 24 yo so he makes his own fun. The only time I go to Korat now is for funerals and visit my wifes 2 brothers who are monks at the same wat.
  13. Being a guy who married a Korat lady 22 years ago I'd say the best thing in Korat is highway 304 ( Mitraphap Road ) which goes back to Bangkok.
  14. Thanks for your very informative reply. May I add that when I had a shot at the immigration officer it had nothing to do with the missing day and date on her passport. It was the way she was verbally harrased and pushed into a back room by herself. That's when I intervened telling the officer not only was she my legai wife but also I'm her interpreter. I shouldn't have mentioned the Thai ID. I was just stating that if there was no day and day of bith then how could she possibly have the full DOB on her passport. By the way I don't lie and my same wife is still with me. Have a good one.
  15. Actually I didn't mean her ID, I was just stating if her ID hasn't got a day and month of birth, then how could she have the correct DOB on her passport.
  16. Firstly thanks for your sensible reply, she been through all this as you suggested and no one wants anything to do with it. So she's still in limbo not wanting to cause a problem when we reach our destination.
  17. Hi all, I'm an 78yo retiree married to a Thai woman. I don't receive the Australian age pension, my only income is from term deposit investments in Australia. I own my own property here and my expenses are rather low as I've mainly dropped off bars and drink at home. So I only do cash tranfers via Transferwise when needed. I'm below the tax threshold in Australia so I don't pay tax there either. Where will I stand if these new tax laws are brought in.
  18. Hi there, As my wife of 20 years and myself are going to Australia for 3 months I'm sure my wifes ID problem will surface again. It all started when she was born. She comes from a very primitive family in a very poor part of the countryside of Korat. Her father didn't register her until she was 6 months old. So life went on for 45 years when I decided to take my then gf to Australia for 3 months. Everything went fine when we arrived in Melbourne until we had to enter via different check points as was normal then. I waited for maybe 1 hour and no sight of her. It appears that on her original ID the DOB has the year of birth only. Of course she was s***ting herself surrounded by officers and her English was very limited then. Finally I was allowed in the room and one officer asked me what I was doing there, of course I gave him a spray as I was her husband. Anyway we were told that she could go but she wouldn't be allowed to return to Australia until the DOB on her ID was fixed. Over the years she must have tried 20 different times to get her ID updated to the full DOB but no Government Office in Thailand will touch it. Has anyone had a problem such as this. Seriously it's such a petty thing why wouldn't someone just put down the presumed day and month of birth and all's fine. Actually she renewed her ID yesterday in Pattaya no one queeried her about the date missing and just issued her with a new ID with all the details the same as the original. She asked about the missing dates and was told the details on the ID can't be changed, that's crap as my family name is on her ID.
  19. I know one very well as she's 4 doors down from my house in Bangkok, she lives there with her mum. I once asked her if she ever worked as a ladyboy. Her reply was of course not pappa, I'm a good girl. She's around 40yo and dresses more like a guy, jeans with the shirt hanging out.
  20. I've been married to a Thai lady for 22 years, she has adult kids and they have kids too. Thai parents have no idea what being a parent is all about. Firstly as soon as kids get old enough, say primary school age, they do what they like and get home when ever it suits them. Even 3-4 o'clock in the morning is accepted. The problem is that the parents were brought up the same way and the kids don't know any better. So down the track these kids become parents themselves and they treat their kids the very same way. I know from experience when Thai Chinese fathers run the show and if his kids don't toe the line then they're looking for real trouble.
  21. Anymore than a mouthfull is a total waste.
  22. So which one had the biggest set, original details only please.
  23. I would have loved to have seen his updated mugshot the morning after he was incarcerated. He not have would been in very good shape.
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