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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. As I've lived in Thailand for the past 22 years and I can only state what I knew at the time of my first visa application. It's changed that many times I bit the bullet and started using agents. I used my Bangkok address for the Changwattana office and for the past 5 years I've used my condos address in Pattaya. Agents rarely give you the wrong advice, whereas officials seem to have a different version even amongst themselves.
  2. It's 60 days when applying at first, then 90 days for every subseqent one year visa application.
  3. I just tried the back up remote and it doesn't close either.
  4. Hi there, I'm currently driving a Toyota Fortuna and I have a door remote problem. The four side doors open and close with the remote but the rear door doesn't. I've tried the key and it's not moving so I decided not to force it and maybe breaking the key. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. After all how much money have farangs paid to all the major wats in Pattaya via their ladies of the night, such as the one in Pattaya Tai.
  6. Not forgetting devout Buddists with multiple mia nois, the younger the better.
  7. Several years ago I seen a documentarty where the Dalai Lama was interviewed about modern day Buddhism in general. Being married to a Thai his comments were interesting. Just before the interview finished he was asked about his thoughts on Thai Buddhism. He paused and cringed, then said no comment.
  8. I took the wifes grandson there 12 years ago, what a shambles the traffic was blocked for at least 90 minutes. Limited places to eat slops, a 30 minutes wait to go to the toilet. No booze unless you took your own and no accomodation, luckily I took a tent. We went back there a few years later but nothing had changed. Luckly the lad is 23 yo now and makes his own fun.
  9. It's just another day in Thailand where Thais claim to be devout Buddhists, could you image the drop in the crime rate if Thais practiced what they preached. No wife beatings, no booze, no talking bad about other people, no scamming, just to name a few things. Let the Buddist do their thing and let others do what see fit do do as long as it's legai.
  10. I walk for 90 minutes every morning, I prefer walking on the road than navigating those dreaded pavers. I know from 22 years of marriage that Thais are total conformists. Seriously why not concrete all paving, it will get opened up for services etc but it's so much easier to replace.
  11. Maybe you should stop puutting the hard word on them Bob.
  12. I wonder how many of Pattaya's fearless crime busters qualified for the Knights Ring.
  13. There was a guy with accreditation from my condo management installing Banglamung TV. It's an annual subscription so I thought I'd give it a try, especially for her indoors. So has anyone subscribed to Banglamung TV and what are their thoughts? By the way what sports on Banglamung sports channels. Also is the AFL and NRL on Banglamung.
  14. I've just tried my laptop this morning. Nothing has changed, the internal speakers have a vibrating like sound and the internal microphone appears to be working but my recipients can't hear anything despite all the adjustments I know of.
  15. My laptop is an ASUS Vivo Book, it's just gone 3 years old. Of all the laptops I've had this one is easily the best, it works superbly, except for my current problem.
  16. Ok, I tried everything mentioned, I even tried an external speaker and an external mic. Same result. Would it be wise to get it repaired or buy a new laptop, I only pay around 15-20 K for a new laptop as I don't over use them.
  17. My problems exist on all sound apps. Thanks.
  18. I totally agree with you. I have to go to Tukcom Pattaya this morning. I shall buy an external mic and use it with my external speakers that work extra well. Thanks.
  19. Firstly thanks for your reply. I've tried everything that has been suggested via online. My problem is firstly the internal speaker is very poor quality. Secondly the people I call by Skype etc can only barely hear me. So as a work around I tried external speakers and the quality is excellent but the mic doesn't work at all. Thanks.
  20. Hi there, I've recently had problems with the microphone and speakers on my laptop. The internal speakers sound is very rough and the internal microphone is barely audible. I've tried external speakers, they work great but the microphone doesn't work at all. Maybe I need a reputable laptop repair shop, are there any suggestions in the Pattaya area. Thanks.
  21. I've got money invested in an Australian term deposit which is my only income. When it matures I have money sent to my AU bank account. I then send it to Thailand when needed. As this sum is below the tax threshold no tax is payable in Australia. So would my money transferred to my Thai bank account be classed as income or savings?
  22. I've lived in Pattaya for the past 20 years. I walk 90 minutes every morning, starting at 6 am. I've never yet seen a Thai make a correct right turn. Most veer to the wrong side of the road and cut the corner, returning to the correct side after straightening up. They haven't a clue what's coming the other way including tour buses in the Wong Amat Beach area. They totally ignore all the many speed restriction signs and park where there's no parking due to the double lines. As soon as they leave the main road they are flat to the board in their pick ups with black exhaust belching out of the back.
  23. In most English speaking countries he'd be labelled as a total grub.
  24. I've tried them all but they have things that I don't really like. About 2 years ago I changed to Brave, I also use a Duckduckgo extension. So far all's good not one problem.
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