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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. I don't need to date anybody..young or old Phewww....what a racket.
  2. Zero visa issues and free healthcare (for EU citizens) in Portugal Brasil doesn't come close. Mulattas with turd-slicer bikinis not my dish.
  3. Cannabis to blame....and an additional 125 bottles of beer.????‍????
  4. ...but you can keep them out.???? Also..if she's a loon as you claim, have you tried to stand by your gate and shout 'STFU' at her general direction? Do it several times a day. It might work. If you are taken to task for it (unlikely), you can claim you were arguing with your mrs
  5. I wonder how far she lives.. You can hear her talking on the phone? ???? Plus...re the dog, you can put a simple (nylon) fence around the house for a 1000-2000 baht or so.
  6. I wasn't referring to woodies ????
  7. Self explanatory What's the situation re: marriage of farang with thai govt employee Free healthcare or not?
  8. ..and hardly any noodles either..????
  9. It's the other way around with me.
  10. Alternatively, a cult. Unlikely to notice it if you are a visitor though..
  11. A prostitute I presume.
  12. Oh yeah, youth.. ..in their infinite wisdom.????‍♂️
  13. Yeah...it would be very difficult to suspect someone is dealing..????‍♂️
  14. Sorry guys but I never understood the vitriol for Thaksin. He's no worse than all the rest of them???? .
  15. I believe part of the deal is that Taksin will abstain from political office.. A lot of money will change hands too. Suitcases.
  16. Translation.. Thanatorn IS holding talks w/Taksin in HK
  17. A trial balloon? We'll see..
  18. I usually put clear silicone on any cracks. It will hold for a few yrs. If you put a new roof, be prepared for tons of asbestos dust. Unless you go for a tin roof. I would recommend to patch it and let younger generations inherit the problem.
  19. You assume the average Thai is a sharp political thinker and can see thru all this. A junta will come at some point but not now obviously...too early. In five to ten years and with totally different actors.
  20. No reason for the current elites to throw in the towel. Plus,... they have the ultimate card ,up the sleeve (to be used sparingly) The military coup. Btw..the new 'peogressive' elites will become as corrupt and scheming ,in due course. As if you haven't witnessed it in a myriad other countries
  21. You mean the 4-letter word? ????
  22. I was reading some quotes by Sopenhauer earlier.. You don't wanna go there.????
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