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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Translation...'Vote for me'. ????
  2. ..or whoever compiled it is Serbian or Bulgarian
  3. Thais think everyone sees things the Thai way. Totally self-absorbed mentality. ..and btw...I don't want to be doused with water either. These dumdums should learn to respect private spaces. I'm with the Turko on this one but he went all out ..
  4. ..or ..I got scared and panicked ..accidentally stepped on the gas. They are expert liars
  5. Slap on the wrist, 10 baht fine, etc You know the drill.
  6. I hardly saw any longkong last year. Probably China scooped the whole crop. Durians weren't plenty either and prices on the high side
  7. An abandoned woman, lashing out at a random male (the o.p) ..because the husband is hard to get hold of. Conflict resolution is a lost art here. Your only option (being a non-citizen), is to leg it. Good luck trying to 'win'
  8. Sure...its the new 'Omicron' strain.????‍♂️ Lugenpresse at it's best.
  9. Stupidity is even more amazing..
  10. Dude.. I'm not trolling you, I just give you my opinion. I assume you have the 22 mil in the pocket. ..and probably more than that. Why on earth do you have to make your life difficult? Just sit back and enjoy. There's a zillion of things you can do to keep yourself occupied and 'happy' You don't need the aggro and misery of tenants..and the constant repairs. As an aside...if you anticipate a financial 'collapse' and want to put your cash in a tangible asset, go ahead. A whole another game.
  11. Why not..his mental faculties seem in excellent condition ????
  12. Hi.. Someone dropped me a message on Twitter with a promo code etc. It was for a crypto exchange site I registered (email only) and was awarded a staggering 0.75 BTC ????‍♂️ Is it a common scam? I did a whois search for the site and came out very suspicious Only on operation for a week Also...I don't seem to be able to redeem or transfer that BTC to another wallet. Like I said, my skills in the crypto biz are very basic. Maybe I'm doing it the wrong way Screenshot follows Any help appreciated
  13. 'Seven days of danger road'?????‍♂️????‍♂️ Google translate strikes again..
  14. I love cats but they will decimate every lizard in the garden (geckos incl) ..and anything else that they can lay their paws on
  15. Oriental garden lizard A cat probably killed it..not ants Ants were just carting it away
  16. For starters...I would run like hell. A (stolen) motorbike could do wonders too. Heck, even his own with a stolen number plate on.. A 50 baht baseball cap and sunglasses could do wonders too I could go on. I don't condone stealing btw, but stupidity and amateurism presses all my buttons at once.
  17. VinnieK

    Isaan Woman

    Good question ????
  18. VinnieK

    Isaan Woman

    Nothing to do with Isaan. They are all like this. Ditch the hag!
  19. Well..they don't call it Amazing Thailand for nothing..????
  20. Err..,could it be because they have changed addresses?
  21. Slap on the wrist, blood money to the family, off he goes... No phobem.
  22. 5th largest? More like 35th
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