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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Wang Prachan? Never heard of it. Had to google it..Satun province. Why not Padang Besar?..or did the driver made the decision. I see the ...err....'fees' have increased considerably
  2. Land is dirt cheap? Lmao Compared to L.A ..maybe. Agri land is 10 times or more expensive here than the average western country. 1 mil per Rai is not unusual here in the south....far away from the sea and from a town
  3. This can happen in the new plot of land too. Also remember...conflict resolution is terrible here. You think the authorities will step in (in time) to stop someone building inches away from your wall? Not gonna happen. ..and you will get an enemy for life.
  4. Although recently turned vegetarian.. 1. Chicken massaman 2. Kaeng tap wua.... If I remember it correctly A tamarind-paste based mild curry with cow's liver. A southern dish I presume. 3. Grilled catfish with sticky rice
  5. Dude..I think you are on the wrong thread. Seriously.
  6. Head in the sand, is not a promising strategy in a shtf senario. Just saying.
  7. She will be back to her old ways in no time????????????. Most Thais should never be allowed to spend more than 100 baht a day.
  8. We are still alive ,as farangs, by pure accident. Interacting with Thais is like walking on eggshells , with the myriad of taboos here. Now I know why we never seem to have any thai friends. ????????
  9. Ok...you assume the op will be a 'silent partner' in the biz which will be registered in the Thais name. ..and he will be putting zero work in it . Yes...in this setup it can be done. Good luck to him...he will need it. Btw...where has he gone? ????
  10. If he is here on a Mickey mouse visa he can't work....and virtually impossible to get a work permit or permitted by the authorities to open/operate a small biz. Issue has been done to death. Someone else can chime in with some more details. Thailand is NOT a place for immigrants. Hands firmly tied behind our backs here.
  11. If the 'friend' is a romantic interest of yours, if and when the relationdhip goes south, kiss the biz goodbye too. There are also the legal challenges you mentioned (immigration related) but you can figure out those easily.
  12. Immediate challenge would be a competitor opening right next door..maybe more than one.????????
  13. The only potential problem is over-zealous officials ,on the Thai side. Zero issues with the Malaysians ..ever Btw..better carry the 20k in cash,. If you have a history of border runs
  14. Life lesson #453 Don't go to drinking parties with low class ppl. Ideally... Dont drink at all.
  15. Arrest warrant with the note...'suspect wears t-shirt with the number 33 in the back'. ????????????
  16. The music is garbage. That's a given in these blighted lands.
  17. Nobody gets disturbed. Asians are impervious to noise.
  18. Those dastardly Russkies. Don't they know that only Uncle S(c)am has that privilege?? (Shock and awe and such)
  19. Issues aplenty..from how legit ownership papers are to flooding issues and many more. Belligerent neighbours might dispute your boundaries. You will have to collect all this info from a trusted local guy..ideally a neighbour. Better take the ownership paper to a lawyer..or your Mrs can check it's authenticity at the land office. As many naysayers here would say, don't buy or build anything. I lean on this option too. Keep in mind that conflict resolution here (esp in the boonies) boils down to who has the most 'muscle'..family size...connections ..guns..etc A lone ,ageing farang stands no chance.
  20. Story looks implausible. Rich farangs driving around looking for a Thai to beat up? I don't buy it.
  21. He has the secret recipe .. ..to be revealed only when in power.????
  22. A few exceptions due to very prime location.
  23. Some have mentioned the term 'dead' or 'ghost' condos. Eventually they will all become like that. As the building craze never stops, ppl will be moving to newer ones and the old will be left to their fate.
  24. What is the hormone therapy for? Not cancer related? I would discontinue it asap if it's for vanity reasons. ????
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