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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. I don't buy the 'forgetful IO officer' theory They were refused entry and decided to leg it. My opinion anyway I could say more abt the Malayan border crossings but I will err on the side of caution.
  2. Short answer..yes ..and they comprise 99% of the population
  3. Pure speculation here .. An inebriated and fed-up Ozzie exchanges some angry words with the useless husband. The Ozzie drops a few f-bombs into an already volatile mix. The ignoramus Thai translates the f-words as 'f-you'....as they always do. The rest is history
  4. You don't really believe the police would ever bother with him if he disappeared outside their jurisdiction ...and there's always work in the informal economy.
  5. Escaping to a distant province never crossed his mind. What a dumba$$ ????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️
  6. I lean on the illegal entry theory. They did a border run and refused re-entry..then just walked into Thailand. The chaos at some border crossings is crazy. Nobody at the main gate to check ins and outs.
  7. Wide berth to all thai males. Fixed it.
  8. A million and one ways to ''offend' a Thai.. ..and good luck after that.
  9. A dumba$$ sopenii. She will probably 'walk' after a billion excuses to the police.
  10. Exactly...they don't tell us the date of arrival, or if they did a visa run to a certain border..
  11. Lie face down in bed. It works for me.
  12. Maybe true..maybe a brazen lie. 80k can buy a lot of lao khao.
  13. He was testing it.
  14. Slap on the wrist, 10 baht fine, transfer to an inactive post for 10 minutes.. Sorted.
  15. You need a basic understanding of geography..for starters. Xenophobia doesn't help either. I doubt any Thai prime minister ,past present or future, can correctly name all ASEAN leaders. ????‍♂️????‍♂️
  16. Out here in the provinces it was the case for many years now You had to struggle to open a bank acct with most banks if you were not on a working visa. In touristy places, they were more flexible.
  17. I was being humorous. It also has a nicer ring to it.
  18. We should start an ' Overstayers Hall of Fame' and give awards!
  19. I would hazard he did a border run to British Malaya, was refused re-entry to Thailand and just walked across anyway. Nobody is checking the flow of ppl esp. in Dannok (Sadao) At some point he tried to leave (via air) and this is where it's at now. My hunch anyway.
  20. No need for a gumshoe. Keep an eye on her FB page Dumba$$ will be keeping you posted on her whereabouts. Heck...you might even try to befriend her (on fb)
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