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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. For every one that closes down, 100 more open. ???? Amazing Thailand
  2. Sure....going after the generals can never go wrong...????‍♂️????‍♂️
  3. Don't feed their greed. I always boycott in cases like this. Even if it's a little shop somewhere..
  4. I can't wait for ganjato be illegal again . Reason? Enough insanity out on the roads with bad/unqualified drivers who sometimes happen to be drunk ..who sometimes happen to be high on ganja also ???? Most ppl are stupid f...ks They should need special permit to operate a spoon let alone smoke ganja to their heart's content.
  5. I live in a village ???? I need to be further out but impossible to find isolated houses for rent.
  6. It's a proper Murder Inc. How much these ppl knew is another story though.
  7. I said 1-2 years in case he gets incarcerated for a while..
  8. Porous borders? ???? You can actually walk across, among the crowds, and nobody will even notice. (Incoming to Thailand) It's up to you to queue up at the immigration window..or not. That is my experience ,at the Thai -Malay border anyway
  9. Any bets he will be back within a year or two?
  10. The boy should be in Blighty playing with dolls not purchasing drugs in Thailand.
  11. 'Start of the flu season.' ???? ...and we all know flu viruses thrive in blistering sunlight/temperatures.????‍♂️
  12. Sure...it's very common for someone to order cyanide. They are all chemistry buffs. Seriously.. I wonder how many ppl die every year from cyanide poisoning and never get autopsied. ????
  13. It doesn't matter... it's a fictitious number anyway.
  14. I find it difficult to believe the husband was oblivious to all this. Keeping secrets is not a Thai trait
  15. I wonder what torrent of lies she will spew to the police.. But seriously ..she was poisoning ppl left right and center and expected to get away with it? ????‍♂️
  16. What incentive he has to pay compensation to the victims? He's going to die anyway.. #ClownWorld
  17. My ex was surprised once, when I told her we also have sea back home..????‍♂️????‍♂️ As an aside, I wonder what percentage of Thais can accurately point to the 4 cardinal directions.
  18. Zero..not her not anyone else I ever knew here ????????
  19. No it's not It's easy to disappear..if you are Thai obviously. ..and have IQ above 20.
  20. Slap in the wrist,quick deportation to Cambodia Now..try that as a farang.
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