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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. It doesn't have to happen tomorrow.. I'm in the same predicament btw
  2. Isolation is a good remedy.. I thoroughly enjoy it in my later yrs. Incidentally, I agree with the o.p..and then some.. He should be making plans for an exit at some point. It's not gonna get any better.
  3. We should increase those 'challenges' facing Thai golddiggers. The more the merrier.
  4. I could find a million things to do in the sticks. As a matter of fact I'm doing them already ...but doing a 9 to 5 gig would drive me nuts in a week. ????
  5. Some are listing items that are out of stock I suspect. Then, they dash to procure them, which causes delays. I ordered an item 2 days ago.....still at 'seller to pack' stage..
  6. None since I moved all the action to my phone. Strongly recommended.
  7. Knowing the devil-may-care Thai mentality,I smell trouble for the banks Only a fool would make unsecured loans to a Thai.
  8. Beautiful words and then they proceed to censor stuff.. I've seen this movie many times before
  9. Thai birdwatcher????? Must be the only one in the nation
  10. ...and don't marry again. Too many downsides and very few upsides.
  11. All of us are the laughing stock ..After so many incidents of dumb farangs taken to the cleaners ,not to mention marrying prostitutes, thais will tar everyone with the same brush. It's only natural.
  12. Of course she's gone We have become the laughing stock of Thais.
  13. Another schmuck is taken for a ride Buys salon for his butterfly-of-the-night gf, she then promptly sells it to another party. Schmuck vents his anger against the new owner.
  14. Can you afford an open-ended stay at a hospital?
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