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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. I predict a new form to fill up. 'Are you into organized crime'? ???? Btw...are you in the clear if you are into un-organized crime? ????‍♂️.. ..or is it dis-organized?
  2. Those dastardly last-minute cheaters.. Otherwise, you would go all-in .. Probably not. Nice excuse though..
  3. Any will do. The result is the same. Contentment and fearless of death.
  4. Suicide, assisted or not, us out if the question for me As is kanoodling with young prostitutes In case of incapacity, I do have a problem as I have no support mechanism here. I'm working on it though.. Death is a non- issue for me. One of the benefits of religion/Spirituality
  5. I would look at other (nearer) possibilities..Georgia, E Europe,, Turkey, Egypt maybe Their culture, food etc is way closer to us than Thailand. Yeah..even the Muslim ones. Also, bear in mind that you will have emergencies as you age. Suddenly, France is on the other side of the world and you are stuck in a Thai hospital with no friends/family ????
  6. It's sleuthing time.. Olaf borrows a few million ..then kills him.
  7. ...until the criminals are arrested?????‍♂️ They may never get arrested.
  8. I never understood the thais' fascination with ' wate-foh'. ????
  9. Truth is somewhere in the middle as always..????
  10. Math prodigies don't fare too well either. She will probably end up a maths teacher ???? Like others have said, don't marry here and esp have kids. Thai culture is the exact opposite of our own ????
  11. Too many downsides and few upsides (to marriage) Being older, as most if us are, makes it even more pointless. As for the helper/nurse senario , I wouldn't trust a Thai to see me thru to my last days. I wonder how many old guys get the poison in the coffee treatment and we never hear abt it.
  12. My take...a glut of second hand vehicles won't mean a drop in prices (used or new) Thai logic. If anything,they might even raise prices ????
  13. It doesn't have to happen tomorrow.. I'm in the same predicament btw
  14. Isolation is a good remedy.. I thoroughly enjoy it in my later yrs. Incidentally, I agree with the o.p..and then some.. He should be making plans for an exit at some point. It's not gonna get any better.
  15. We should increase those 'challenges' facing Thai golddiggers. The more the merrier.
  16. I could find a million things to do in the sticks. As a matter of fact I'm doing them already ...but doing a 9 to 5 gig would drive me nuts in a week. ????
  17. Some are listing items that are out of stock I suspect. Then, they dash to procure them, which causes delays. I ordered an item 2 days ago.....still at 'seller to pack' stage..
  18. None since I moved all the action to my phone. Strongly recommended.
  19. Knowing the devil-may-care Thai mentality,I smell trouble for the banks Only a fool would make unsecured loans to a Thai.
  20. Slap in the wrist, 20 baht fine.... she's good to go.
  21. Did he flee the scene too?????????
  22. Beautiful words and then they proceed to censor stuff.. I've seen this movie many times before
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