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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Thai birdwatcher????? Must be the only one in the nation
  2. 8 parties? ???? Herding cats..
  3. ...and don't marry again. Too many downsides and very few upsides.
  4. All of us are the laughing stock ..After so many incidents of dumb farangs taken to the cleaners ,not to mention marrying prostitutes, thais will tar everyone with the same brush. It's only natural.
  5. Of course she's gone We have become the laughing stock of Thais.
  6. Another schmuck is taken for a ride Buys salon for his butterfly-of-the-night gf, she then promptly sells it to another party. Schmuck vents his anger against the new owner.
  7. Can you afford an open-ended stay at a hospital?
  8. Who has the guns, makes the rules in the third world Pita and co should enjoy the sunshine for a few years...the army will be back in the first crisis (real or engineered)
  9. Not gonna happen. That Pita noob needs a lesson as to who runs this country
  10. Is he your real son or stepson? It seems you are in a lot of trouble for a 70 plus guy. I suggest a runner..????
  11. Reminds me of life in a certain Med country...90% of land out of production except for olive trees which have been there for generations Impossible to sell also. Farming is collapsing for decades now due to low prices and the flight of the young to the cities. Here in the deep south (rubber country) the average age of a rubber tapper is 40+ This being Thailand of course, land prices are way out of touch with reality.
  12. You choose to live in. a country that actively discriminates against foreigners, this is the result.
  13. That's the theory. If he will be granted one, that's another story. (Given his history)
  14. The plight of gold diggers..????‍♂️
  15. Sure..blind dolphins will be colliding with the bridge pillars. ????‍♂️
  16. Payments seem to go thru for small payments...5-10$ Once I go for 150 and over...no siree. As an aside, I haven't managed to buy any cryptos either. Welcome to the 70s..????
  17. Aren't the cards supposed to work irrespective of your apps? Not so long ago we didn't have any apps. I will check anyway.
  18. Hi.. Having trouble purchasing stuff from AliExpress I'm using TTB and Krung Thai cards. Never seem to go thru. The problem could be on either end. I have other cards but don't want the risk as they have bigger balances.. I have managed to buy small stuff a couple of times (up to 1000b) but that's all. Purchases in question are around the 8-10k baht.
  19. Tried to buy ETH with my Krung Thai and TTB visa cards and were both rejected There is sufficient money and not expired Any idea why? (On metamask and trustwallet platforms)
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