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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. You don't hear about it because not many of us have assets of 1 mil $. Capisce?
  2. Not as rare as you think. Also, Covid MRNA vax are in a class of their own when it comes to injuries. Not to be compared with other run-of-the-mill vs
  3. ..I also had half a bottle of whiskey in my system. ????
  4. Anyone with a pulse drives here. From age 8 to 108 ???? Yesterday I had a minor collision with an old codger on a cycle He suddenly swerved into my path and even after honking my horn meters away from his ears, he kept going.. He was lucky I was only doing 30 on my mbike and always on hair-trigger alert. We did collide though.
  5. Another day in Amazing Thailand ????????
  6. I would substitute the word ' sceptical' With 'incapable' I think the issue is settled.????
  7. When you say Asia, you mean the whole continent (from Turkey eastwards) or just the eastern parts?
  8. Why bother with any of that?
  9. When money enters the picture, all bets are off. '90 year old monk wins lottery and elopes with 13 year old' Ok, this one didn't happen but wouldn't surprise me ????
  10. I would go to a private lab and get a full blood test. I see these advertised outside of lab 'shops' for 3500 or so for a full test Doctors here seem to loathe to prescribe blood tests..I don't know why Maybe they are not aware that we are paying for them (unlike the Thais) Also ..doctors generally are not good ..and lastly.. Nobody will save you.. Change your habits I would go vegetarian if I was you. It will solve a lot of issues...long term and short term. Drop sugar too. Everything is connected..garbage in garbage out.
  11. Wow.. Law enforcement is a joke How can you cross into Malaysia with a vehicle that isn't yours? Did it have the 'sticker' that Romanizes the Thai number plate? You need to be the owner to do that and it has to be done at the Dept of Transport Good luck trying to do it on a rental. Also..how come the Malaysians didn't stop -or even arrest- them? All foreign cars are stopped a few kms into Malaysia and given a bit of a check. ..but wait....they snuck back into Thailand again, unmolested, made it to Pattaya and decided to overstay....????‍???? Meth is a hell of a drug.
  12. I didn't have anything..???? ..but they ask you for your particulars incl. the date your visa is up. That was 4 yrs ago btw I carry a photo of the relevant passport pages in my phone these days
  13. They do cross reference....it has happened to me twice. ..but these were immigration police not common cops.
  14. ..and all these three issues almost always boil down to money.
  15. You know any other songs or just this one?
  16. It will happen alright. ..but not here. A blessing imo.
  17. About 20 yrs ago I started having spiritual leanings. Not particular to Buddhism but it has had a strong influence in my world view. As the years drag on, the discomfort with the world intensifies. In my late 50s now and really have to make decisions The problem is that I'm a free spirit and don't want to be pigeon-holed in this or another religion. So, life in a wat will be very limiting for me. I'm thinking to go it alone.. A shack in the countryside where I will live a monk-like existence. I have been scouting for such a place for 2 years now but without success. Any ideas from you guys? Do some of you feel the same? Thanks.
  18. ..and the manager turned a deaf ear. I've seen this movie before.
  19. Brazen attack in a very public place. I assume it was during daytime I would hazard the killers weren't street hoodlums.
  20. Tell them you want to have a live chat with them. Scammers usually scatter at the suggestion.
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