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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. No problem...'sleeping' is one of the requirements for the job.
  2. Woke or not ,Hollywood has jumped the shark big time. Horrible ,puerile scripts, CGI aplenty, etc. (Sharknado?..<deleted>) Movies for brain-dead 12 yr olds. I'm on a 'strike' for a good decade now. T.V. series a few steps down the ladder too. If that is even possible Good bye America It was good while it lasted. (1950-2000)
  3. Maybe he had a terrible day and the broken ATM was the last straw.
  4. People from northern climes need special training on how to behave on a balcony. I'm serious. You never read..'Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish' etc when it comes to balcony falls. Because we don't do stupid things in a balcony. We also tend not to consume 175 beers in a single occasion .. #DagoSupremacy
  5. Hi On the 31 of Dec I did my final 90 day report for the year. (Online) ..but my yearly non-O renewal is on the 3rd of Feb. Normally, the last 90 day report of the year, coincides with the yearly renewal. How is this possible?????????
  6. Hi On the 31 of Dec I did my final 90 day report for the year. (Online) ..but my yearly non-O renewal is on the 3rd of Feb. Normally, the last 90 day report of the year, coincides with the yearly renewal. How is this possible?????????
  7. Tryin to sell stuff in the second-hand market can be very time-consuming Plus, the guy is in the ICU Get a grip. Get him out the private hospital asap. Tell them you are just a friend and the family is not interested. If they want to nurse him ,as a charity case, they are free to do so. Once in govt hospital, leave him to the good graces of the authorities. I'm sure the patient must have been aware that this is how the cookie would crumble some day..
  8. Why don't you tell the hospital that no more money will be forthcoming. They will transfer him to the govt one in no time. Not that it would be free there either but it will be easier to stiff them. That's where we're at..
  9. Drunk and texting (and driving) The jury is out. ☕
  10. I call bs on all these 'variants'
  11. I'm opening a can of worms here but why anybody would want to live in CM in the first place? Legit question.
  12. Marry a poor one then. Happiness guaranteed ????‍♂️????‍♂️
  13. Sinsod Just say no!
  14. The worst is over for sure..
  15. Thai thinking is always 'fair-weather' If you point to them various possible disaster-senarios, they get infuriated. As an aside.. A couple of fishing trawlers went down during that time period. Someone also reported a dent/break in the ship's hull. Did a collision occured?
  16. Only 19 years for two murders? Considering his past misdeeds, he should go down with multiple life sentences I wonder how much he'd get if the victims were Nepalis. 1 million years?
  17. You ask a woman.. How far from here is town/place X? (It has to be a place reasonably close and familiar) Woman A. Not far...I can drive you there. ????‍♂️ Woman B. 20 minutes...????‍♂️ Woman C. 30 kms...East of here. Obviously, woman C is a rare specimen. Don't let her go away!
  18. Warships don't sink that easily People familiar with ships etc, might want to speculate on this one. I'm not qualified
  19. Last storm over us (Sonkla-Hatyai) as I write this..(04:30 am) Lighter rain forecast for Mon...and drier from Tue.
  20. Everyone wants to be a famous YouTuber now
  21. Sorry..my bad I believe foreign embassies should alter their warnings list.. #1 Don't ride on a motorbike on Thai roads (driver or pillion) under any circumstances These young dumdums have no clue on the amount of tomfoolery that happens on Thai roads
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