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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. License? Lol She probably never rode a scooter, let alone have a license.
  2. Aggressive,loud, drunk farangs don't fare well in this country. I hope they bu&&er off back to Blighty soon. The Thai chav is even more feral (given the right circumstances) If the two meet..good luck to the English one.
  3. I hear, there's a Facebook group for overstayers ????????
  4. '...he used to work at the restaurant before but this time he came to eat...' Ok..that settles the issue then .????????
  5. Nice try. You missed my point. Chinese migration here, never stopped,or ever will. There are ways to obtain IDs here ,for the right price Don't forget that their 'tribe' is running things here. This avenue is not open to farangs though. I can't make it more blatant.
  6. Well..as a Chinese he can blend in easily and yes maybe he can buy himself out of trouble. Asians can play the system way better than a dumbass, high-moral-ground farang I wonder how these millions of Sino-thais got to live here in the first place Seems there is special treatment for Chinese here. Thai IDs (for a price) etc.
  7. Think Big aka. Wishful Thinking
  8. Wife snitched on him? Note to self.. If you ever need to overstay live the f. ALONE!!!
  9. There's a dire lack of surf instrumentals here.????
  10. If indeed they allow him to return, the 'deal' will be to stay away from politics, or else.
  11. To ppl who support culling. There's no way the authorities will go around killing strays Not gonna happen. Forcefully vaccinating strays is not easy...practically speaking. Educating pet owners will take many decades.. Only thing feasible is going around in each home and vaxxing pets, if they are unvaxxed and if the owners concent ???? ..and whatever strays they can coax and jab. The whole issue is a can of worms.
  12. For dramatic effect.. As an aside..we have a small surfing scene in Songkhla now. YouCut_20221205_115430147.mp4
  13. Looks like an inside job. ..and who tf buys 3 houses in someone else's name? Idiot award of the year.
  14. Fair enough. In my province,(Songkla) I have never managed to register anything in my name. Beginning in 2003.. .Last time it was in 2019, on a non-O. Even when I changed my DL to a Thai one, the word was 'Work permit' My Mrs made a scene and they relented on this one. I had identical problems when opening bank accts btw.
  15. I don't think the o.p can do anything abt the situation Taking the car to a remote location and setting it on fire is an option. Someone mentioned that ,generally speaking, you can register a vehicle on any visa I don't know about Pattaya and such places, full of farangs, but out in the provinces, only a work permit will do.
  16. Technically you are supposed to stay at least 1 night.
  17. Flip flops even in the most demanding jobs.. Olympics next????
  18. Correct..but before the word reached Persia it passed⁷ thru Italy (Franchi) Greece (Franggi) and so on I never thought of the word farang as a slur because it's just a corruption of 'Frank'
  19. Reading thru this..BKK only saving grace is the cheap living. All the other scores are low BKK is not and will never be an intl city imo. Have you checked English proficiency statistics lately? Been falling every year. Can't sugarcoat a t**d.
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