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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Agreed ..but even if you assimilate there are no benefits whatsoever. For the Thais you will always be the 'farang' Thailand is a cult. Difficult to impossible to gain admission.
  2. Thai woman. ... I take 100% of the house, I give you caustic food (that I didn't cook myself), and occasional sex.. ..and good luck trying to have a decent conversation with me. ????
  3. Farang women?
  4. I have to deal with Thais very often (in a professional capacity that is). Tenants and an assortment of builders/repairmen. You can't squeeze an ounce of truth from them, esp. the second group. Bare-faced lies, false promises and then some. Many a time I tried, in vain, to encourage them to tell me the truth. Never seems to happen. Lying is a way if life here. Never gonna change. Oh..and Thai women are terrible house-keepers.
  5. I agree with all of these but now I don't care because I'm older. I would live a monk-like life out in the countryside ..
  6. Because it is cheap.. If I was rich I wouldn't be here
  7. Putting all western countries in one basket isn't fair. Also...your financial circumstances,in the West, have a big influence. Example..I would choose Switzerland over Thailand, if I could afford it ... ..or certain parts of the US. It all boils down to money in the end. Thailand is way over-rated imo.
  8. Those tall, buxom ones are probably ladyboys. ????
  9. Yeah..they prefer to burn stuff in their backyards here not in recycling plants.
  10. [No queuing or appointments required] Maybe because they see a handful of cases a day? ????
  11. She has never paid tax. So..back to the original question She cannot will the land to third parties? It will be given to the rightful heirs after death?
  12. So, I assume she cannot will it.. ..and the family will have to quarrel among themselves when the time comes..? I doubt they can even go to the courts if the property is 'feral' ????
  13. Informally owned Land was swampland (govt land)...she bought it from the squatter and built upon it. She has this amphoe-issued blue book..don't know the Thai name Will see if I have a foto. She doesn't want to sell to the beneficiary..only will it.
  14. Self explanatory title Also...in case it can be willed, can it be challenged legally (after death)? Briefly the backstory Thai lady that I know plans to will a chanote-less property to a friend. Family is seething. For sure they will challenge it in the courts after the old lady passes away Anybody can guess the outcome? I have no horse in the race myself ????
  15. Narathiwat? Sure....and the season lasts longer the further south you go. Don't despair..another two months to go.???????? The dry days are glorious though.
  16. I was in the wrong thread...????
  17. ZOG Oh wait..
  18. It might go to 0 where it belongs. Cryptos had some merit as 'guerilla' payment systems, bypassing gooberments and such. The moment they became speculative, it was game over. Live by the sword die by it.
  19. This is gonna be a loong topic...????
  20. Most vaxxed ppl that I know have had Covid already.(afterwards) One of them, (Thai woman), developed myocarditis after the 'v' and a few weeks later lost her mind. I had mild Covid myself, in the early months. Never took the 'v' Too many questions still un-answered about the origin of this disease and the efficacy of vaccines imo Bat soup?....????????
  21. Ever thought of moving away, to more idyllic locations? Like ,100s of miles away?
  22. Exactly...they tend to keep away from hotspots for obvious reasons ????
  23. Yeah.. It's that time of year again. Winds have shifted from the NE ,heavy rain at any time of day or night, fresh and breezy and some decent surf. Speaking of surf, there is a small surfing scene in Songkhla (Thais) ,in the last couple of years.
  24. These dastardly over-stayers again. What surprises me though is that despite the draconian repercussions these days, ppl still overstay. I'm sure most of us know one or two who have jumped the shark.????
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