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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Sheeple cannot handle freedom (or the truth) Need to be micro-managed by the nanny state. Just an observation..
  2. NE monsoon has kicked in for good Heavy seas and heavy rain for the next 2 months I believe Samui doesnt get the full mayhem (and duration) we get further south but be warned. I have come to dread this time of year. ????????
  3. The rough approach is very telling on how the authorities view foreigners. Same at border crossings/airports and local immi. offices.
  4. There's a third group that I will refrain from naming. As sizable as the two above.
  5. No you don't Your partner does. ..and btw...when was it purchased? 100 years ago? Prices are insane these days, at least here in the south 1 Rai (rubber), in the boonies, will be minimum half a mil. Next to a provincial road, still in the boonies, as much as 2 or even 3.????????????
  6. Were, back in the day. More than (normal) Thais ..but that's for a different thread ????
  7. I will go out on a limb here.. Maybe there's no concept of friendship here..at least as we understand it. There's family and there's acquaintances and that's about it
  8. Lived for a year in Malaysia...similar story but at least there's more interaction there due to a common lingo. (English) Lived in Indo too but I never tried it..too busy with the wimmenz ????
  9. Abandon all hope. Haven't had any male friends here..and I tried. I consider myself fairly sociable but to no avail. Xenophobia and tribalism are deeply rooted here. I never seen any Thais showing any interest in Burmese or Malaysian ppl either..and they are next door neighbours. Insular af.
  10. Is this a crime in Thailand? ???? Woman must be well connected
  11. Couldn't make any sense of it. Why is she in the dock anyway?
  12. Is it fair to expect big bazingas to be the next fashion/craze in Thailand? Mercy. A$$ implants after that. ????
  13. Old codger is cruising for a bruising. This is no place for an old, poor, sick (or sick to be), lone farang. As far as I know, he has to cross a border to clear his overstay. On his return, it's almost guaranteed that he will be denied entry. Catch 22. He can try to show up at immigration asap, explain his negligence and hope for the best. An agent can inquire on his behalf, if he chooses so. Doesn't look good.
  14. Yeah ..unlike the rest of us who like'm octogenarian ????????
  15. ..a tourist was inadvertently hit? ???????? You can't swing a cat these days. ????
  16. @ChrisB Did you have covid already? Did you have the same symptoms you describe during the illness or different ones? Did 'long covid' manifest right after the illness or weeks/months later? Did you get the vax?...side-effects can be severe. Being a new illness, not much literature around.
  17. She opted for a wonderful and refreshing finger-cutting.. No big deal.
  18. 100 baht fine. Btw...why the blurred photo? So he can circulate freely without ppl recognizing him? ????
  19. I was referring to other 'fees' not the taxi fare.
  20. Thais are adopting the most ghastly western gimmicks..????
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