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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. If I was American, I too would have voted for Trump. Chickens go good.
  2. sure do, I see em daily on the 7 motorway.
  3. You re-freeze after marinating it ?
  4. gotta debeak the live one's.
  5. Chickens, not roasted are far better for rooting... if thats your thing.
  6. Roasted, in the BBQ with a can of beer up its annos.
  7. Iam pro KKK and nazi.. nowt wrong with fourth reich but USA will always be top of the pile.
  8. My sources tell me he is in BKK this coming weekend.
  9. not really win win though. pigs catch me on camera... I throw that one in the trash.
  10. So you saw it and the owner told you...... that pile of BS is growing larger by the minute.
  11. owner told you ?..... previously you claimed to have seen the shop get fined. Which is it ?
  12. I think hotandsticky should change name to hotandtalksBS........
  13. https://www.ecopod-thailand.com/
  14. I dont, but I do judge those that lie.
  15. You were there when the police gave the fine ?
  16. Good init, love me a 200b saving.
  17. I got stooged.... this place was closed today. Stopped at the 7/11 at 5..05pm Had a sign on the fridge saying no booze 11/02 12.00am to 12/02 12,00pm. Grabbed 2 2packs of bigs cans of leo... cashier said nope " cannot sell, read the sign".... bit of confusion when I said the booze ban is 12/02.... today is 11/02...... long story short... yeah had me 4 travelers for the drive home !
  18. Just round the corner from my work.... little lean to type shop..... I pull up out front and the lass bring me out 3 large icey cold cans of Leo's finest for my drink home, every day no matter the time.
  19. Forbidden by who. the individual company or the government?
  20. I know several Thai ladies with ample bosom who have breast fed their children. not sure what your drivel is about.
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