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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. Worth a watch part one and part two https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0 https://youtu.be/a9UFyNy-rw4
  2. I like the Americans, worked with many over the years. New Yorkers to red neck farm boys, all good stand up guys. But you do tend to get the Audio before the Visual, most of the time.
  3. I just stopped going to temples in Thailand. problem went away.
  4. Yes that's outrageous. Should be a recount. Would be just one to throw under the bus then.
  5. Normal Thai standard and style. What's the problem.
  6. Sure they will all stop ad be nice drivers and riders. 1st April comes round quick now days
  7. All just reminds me of this dude.
  8. Replacements are being born every day, same same. but same. Nothing changes here. To fast, To selfish, To stupid.
  9. Not so sure about that, R.I.P and condolences to the families'. Will all be forgotten next week.
  10. Who cares, I never liked the public school boy twit anyway. Hope travelers move on to his farm next. See how big he is then.
  11. Your dead right there 2 people down the road from me, have just started making charcoal to sell and for themselves.
  12. Ok, That's enough hits, on the Bong for one day.
  13. Nice one lady. Keep up the pressure on the bad guys & girls
  14. Its a lesson to others. And should be duly noted.
  15. Some mums and Dads had 6 kids to feed. it was all about what they could afford that week. Well that was our family, back then.
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