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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. It look like one of worthy but dull films.
  2. 12 very difficult years with Brexit and covid, the latter has caused problems all round the world. Look at Russia, China and the USA for example.
  3. Intermittently funny it has dated terribly
  4. The myriad of locations was tedious and unnecessary. In general the movie was unoriginal, repetitious shallow rubbish. Just dreadful.
  5. There used to be a book and reading thread- why don't you start one instead of clogging up this thread which is about screen based media
  6. They haven't warmed to Labour either- not since the illegal invasion of Iraq and the following disastrous war. The 'electorate' didn't want Johnson to go- it was the media and the anti populist cultural elite who destroyed Johnson not 'the ordinary people'.
  7. How do you kmow he didn't have symptoms?
  8. What are you trying to say? That 'Buy now pay later' does not exist outside of Thailand? Its part of most major economies- its how credit cards work and how people buy cars and property and expensive items.
  9. This is incorrect. Both syphilis and monkey are spread via sex. It's also possible to be infected with both illnesses and not have symptoms especially syphilis. People can be infected and infectious for years with syphilis without them knowing. Monkey pox is currently mainly prevalent in the gay community. Sexual health and testing has nothing to do with racism. BUT Absconding without treatment is criminally irresponsible.
  10. Wasn't PFI a Blair Labour party scam?
  11. Monthly! If you have your pension paid here you will lose any future increases
  12. Guns and Roses old? Nope. The stones and McCartney in their 70s still touring
  13. Legal/ tolerated but how is it insured? In case of accident is it legal?
  14. 17 Million of the general population at large voted for Brexit. They then went on to vote for the Tories because the tory party represents ordinary people. Labour party membership is comprised politically obsessed 'activists' , woke agitators and the cultural elite with all their obsessions with diversity, trans rights, eco catastrophe etc.
  15. For the same reason - top prevent infection and the spread of disease.
  16. Ironically western food is now cheaper here in supermarkets than UK and expensive restaurants are insanely cheap.
  17. You will have to ask the OP. He is comparing Thai prices to Ukraine and Russia. I have no idea why or if he really understands what a CT scans really is. He might be trolling. Dunno what tier means perhaps the OP knows but insurance companies examine hospital billing procedures but I don't think the OP has medical insurance. I had CT scans in Saudi and Thailand- saved my life once. Anyway I doubt the OP can get a CT scan currently in Ukraine- there is a war on. India is very good for medical tourism but I don't know what insurance/ tier system they operate.
  18. This is a serious crime- it's no yolk!
  19. In some countries your Thai license will be valid. My Saudi license is valid in the UK. I think my Thai license is.
  20. Well you sound very calm and balanced. But why do you think your covid experience would be the same as other people's? And might not some variants be worse than others.
  21. So Covid had a long holiday!
  22. I was told years ago that 'Japs' is a forbidden term on this forum. Perhaps Yanks should be also...or maybe neither!
  23. I would do that but my IO is near the beach so it's a nice excursion
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