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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I watched that in its entirety last night. He made a very compelling argument.
  2. Ever wondered why white supremacists are the most frequent perpetrators of domestic terrorism in the US? Can't draw a line between two dots? The single reason that the far right MAGA cultists hate Harry is because he married a black woman.
  3. Trump is broke and thick as a brick. His latest filing is about not having to pay the bond for his appeal against the 450 million fine because it would be finally ruinous. Maybe he could have thought about that before ruining her life.
  4. Those comments (by Trump) are nothing more than a dog whistle to one of his wingnut extremists to assassinate Harry. Just part of his narcissism and throwing red meat to the base.
  5. The pond slime are at it again. Far right domestic terrorism is America's greatest threat. A suspicious envelope containing white powder addressed to New York Judge Arthur Engoron was intercepted at a Manhattan courthouse Wednesday, according to a report. https://www.rawstory.com/judge-engoron-threats/ The Proud Boys played a critical part in carrying out the Jan. 6 attack, but the group is just one part of a trend of increased white supremacist and far-right violence. Top U.S. law enforcement officials say those extremist movements are the biggest domestic terrorism threat facing the country. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and-law-enforcements-top-domestic-terrorism-concern
  6. It would be fine if people who had no choice or ability to distance themselves from emergency services personnel hadn't died as a result of their political zealotry.
  7. Indeed. Europe ignored Hitler's rise for too long - until it was too late.
  8. No one is coming to save Donald Trump from $450M problem: analyst Trump's supporters are trying to help him with these through a GoFundMe organized by one Elena Cardone, noted Bump, and they've got $1.2 million so far. However, "The interest alone demonstrates the problem. Cardone’s fundraiser began more than a week ago, during which time more than $1 million in interest has been added to what Trump owes. It’s also not clear what happens if the appeal is rejected and Trump loses that half-billion dollars for good https://www.rawstory.com/trump-fraud-judgment/?traffic_source=Connatix
  9. The Mystery of White Rural Rage Technology, then, has made America as a whole richer, but it has reduced economic opportunities in rural areas. While these transfers somewhat mitigate the hardship facing rural America, they don’t restore the sense of dignity that has been lost along with rural jobs. And maybe that loss of dignity explains both white rural rage and why that rage is so misdirected — why it’s pretty clear that this November a majority of rural white Americans will again vote against Joe Biden, who as president has been trying to bring jobs to their communities, and for Donald Trump, a huckster from Queens who offers little other than validation for their resentment. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/26/opinion/white-rural-voters.html
  10. Why isolationism doesn't work. It didn't work for the US before WW2 and it isn't working now.
  11. And speaking of the "Biden Crime Family" Boebert post on 'Biden Crime Family' comes back to haunt her when son arrested hours later Writing on Twitter on Tuesday, Boebert declared that "the Biden Crime Family will go down as the most corrupt political family in American history." Shortly afterward, her 18-year-old son Tyler Boebert was arrested and charged with four counts of criminal possession of a financial device, four counts of criminal possession of ID documents, and a count of conspiracy to commit a felony. Another follower commented that Boebert's post on the "Biden Crime Family" "aged like a bowl of milk on a Death Valley trailer roof." https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-2667387744/
  12. Trump withdrew from Afghanistan at the behest of a single rabid christian nationalist who wanted to privatise the military occupation there just as he had done in Iraq. Erik Prince is the brother of Betsy Devoss who tried her hardest to dismantle the public education system in the US. The withdrawal was a complete disaster. The US military did not want the US to withdraw at all and the result was an unmitigated disaster as the US relinquished valuable bases right on Iran's doorstep. He made the order to withdraw 4 days after Biden won the presidency, thereby handing him a poisoned chalice. General Milley was shocked buy the announcement. It's astounding that the right wing are now trying to paint this as a Biden failure. Is a loose cannon like Trump who shocks his own military with an order so clearly detrimental to this country's interests the kind of fool you want to run the country? Your mantra of peace through strength doesn't carry water. Trump carried water for Putin over this and handed him a major victory. President Donald Trump is increasingly venting frustration to his national security team about the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and showing renewed interest in a proposal by Blackwater founder Erik Prince to privatize the war, current and former senior administration officials said. It has raised ethical and security concerns among senior military officials, key lawmakers and members of Trump's national security team. A year after Trump's strategy announcement, his advisers are worried his impatience with the Afghanistan conflict will cause him to seriously consider proposals like Prince's or abruptly order a complete U.S. withdrawal, officials said. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/officials-worry-trump-may-back-erik-prince-plan-privatize-war-n901401 “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.” Kellogg, a retired Army lieutenant general, said after seeing the order he told senior staff the idea was “a tremendous disservice to the nation” and implementing it would be “catastrophic.” https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/
  13. Wendy's is fixing the problem by introducing surge pricing, like uber do. Go in there at lunch time and your burger will cost more. https://apnews.com/article/wendys-surge-pricing-tanner-burger-dynamic-9417bc235bbcd13d82966d04a6ba42bd
  14. That's because he was a Liberal (conservative) PM. They're always unpopular. Gillard's problem was that she advocated a carbon tax but then the fossil fuel propaganda machine spent huge money on a disinformation campaign opposing it and the yobbos swallowed it. She backtracked on it as a result which was a huge mistake, ruining her credibility. Now the taxpayers foot the bill for the climate change disaster.
  15. Repubicans had their chance to pass the strictest borders laws ever but voted it down because it would remove their fear and loathing talking points. They wanted Trump to pass the same laws so he could get the credit and not Biden. Your cover is blown.
  16. I have a friend who wants to buy a condo in Pattaya and freight a container of furniture and effects from Australia to Pattaya. Can anyone recommend a reliable agent to do this, including handling the customs requirements? Would there be any taxes payable as the stuff is all used in his current home?
  17. A submission to a court does not mean they will ignore an adverse ruling. We'll see what happens. The rest of the world mostly do recognise the ICJ and ICC and will take action in response to any ruling adverse to Israel. Those steps may include reduction of intel sharing or mil cooperation and withdrawal of diplomatic missions or expulsion of embassy staff. In addition, public opinion would turn against Israel in response to such a ruling. The US and others would also need to take into consideration voter sentiment in the face of upcoming elections.
  18. That's because they don't officially recognise the ICJ or ICC in accordance with their wish to not be held accountable by the rest of the world. That doesn't mean they reject what the ICJ says as evidenced by the fact that they did make a submission.
  19. France has the third largest mil spending in Europe for NATO countries and is close to equal with Germany.
  20. That doesn't mean Israel can just ignore it without risking being labelled a pariah nation. That said, I think the US may reverse it's policy if the ICJ makes a ruling against Israel.
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