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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly backed legislation making it easier to export military equipment to Ukraine, reviving an act that helped defeat Hitler in WWII. The House passed the "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022" today and will go to the White House for President Joe Biden to sign into law. During WWII, the program allowed the US to lend or lease military equipment to its allies. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-29/ukraine-russia-war-live-updates-putin-zelenskyy-mariupol-kyiv/101015702?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-1210842323
  2. I'll tell you one thing. There is one side which has committed way more atrocities than the other.
  3. What's not being made clear there is that those downloads are for one week. Twitter already has high penetration so it's not strange that Truth Social's weekly downloads currently exceed those of Twitter. "I spent a week on Trump's new social media app Truth Social. I felt like I was exploring a ghost town." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-truth-social-media-app-review-ghost-town-overrun-bots-2022-3
  4. Maybe I've misidentified then then.
  5. This is why sanctions have been applied. The U.S. has reliable information that Russian military forces executed Ukrainians who were trying to surrender near Donetsk, a U.S. official said Wednesday. According to Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack, the U.S. has credible reports and photos of individuals killed "execution-style" with their hands bound, including bodies showing signs of torture and accounts of sexual violence against women and girls. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/04/28/ukraine-russia-invasion-live-updates/9562102002/
  6. They were. This current invasion is an escalation of that conflict and a bridge too far. Additionally, Russia has now formally annexed those regions.
  7. I wouldn't personally recommend any bots but this site is easily the most popular
  8. That's a nice specimen of Kensington Pride aka Bowen mango.
  9. This is the famous sweet green mango, used raw unripe in salads and never eaten ripe. The Thai word is mamuang keow wan "sweet green mango". มะม่วงเขียวหวาน
  10. sanctions against a country which unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation and committed massive war crimes is blackmail now?
  11. Energy companies in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia are preparing to open ruble accounts at Gazprombank in Switzerland, it said. The move is described as precautionary as Eni seeks more guidance from the Italian government and European authorities. Earlier on Wednesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warned companies not to bend to Russia’s demands to pay for gas in rubles, saying that doing so would go against sanctions. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/bloomberg/ukraine-latest--biden-to-speak-on-ukraine--prepares-aid-package/47550014
  12. The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, warned EU importers Wednesday that paying for Russian gas in rubles, as the Kremlin has demanded, would breach sanctions. Brussels' top official told reporters that, unless a supply contract was denominated in rubles, European firms must not bow to pressure to pay in the Russian currency. FRANCE 24's Dave Keating reports from Brussels. https://www.france24.com/en/video/20220427-eu-chief-warns-rubles-for-gas-breaches-russia-sanctions
  13. British Defense Secretary George Wallace said Monday about 15,000 Russian troops have been killed since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, adding to mounting evidence of the Russian death toll—NATO estimated last month 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops have died in the invasion and Ukraine said Monday 21,900 Russian troops have been killed, all far outpacing the 1,351 dead Russia reported March 25 in its last casualty update. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/04/26/russia-ukraine-wars-mounting-death-toll-latest-estimates-suggest-russian-troops-have-been-hit-harder/?sh=62c783144549
  14. That's in line with the advice i received. Eliquis has a lower risk of abdominal clots than Rivaroxaban which was the alternative I was offered. I was originally leaning toward that as it was daily but a urologist pointed out that twice daily Eliquis (Apixaban) means a lower half life. My initial concern was the lack of a fast and cheap antidote as is available for warfarin. I'm no doctor but listened carefully to the opinions of several specialists.
  15. Big ticket items like submarines and advanced aircraft aren't purchased for domestic defense but rather with international defense cooperation pacts in mind.
  16. Half of Thailand's coast isn't in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea is much deeper with direct access to the Indian ocean. That is where the subs would operate.
  17. A part of the recovery can be explained by a stronger financial position that Russia finds itself in thanks to a steep rise in revenues from oil and gas exports and a sharp drop in imports. Experts say the rest of the rebound is a result of the ruble being artificially propped up by the Russian central bank through capital controls. "The currency moves don't represent the fundamentals of Russia. https://www.dw.com/en/putin-tactics-drive-rebound-in-russian-ruble/a-61363334
  18. This is a very complex subject. What the specialists told me is that there is very little quality research done on warfarin despite it's use over many decades. About three years a go I had an abdominal blood clot in Pattaya and after several weeks of unsuccessful treatment by doctors with antibiotics I took my self back to Australia. In Thailand the doctors insisted that it was a infection but it was correctly diagnosed immediately in hospital in Australia. A week in hospital and many blood tests later they were unable to pinpoint a cause. Because of a family history of stroke and the lack of a cause I was put on indefinite warfarin, dosage between 1 and 2mg daily depending on INR. I returned to Pattaya and had INR tests weekly for a few months, average cost around 1,500 incl. doctors consultation at the hospital. On a return trip to Australia, I saw a specialist again who said I should stay on warfarin rather than one of the newer doacs as warfarin had a lower risk of abdominal clotting. The specialist then told me that the chance of a reocurrence was very low. I bought an INR patient self testing machine and returned to Thailand. Test strips were hard to come by but I had some delivered by Roche in Bangkok. Soon after I returned to Australia because of covid and eventually had an annual review where the haematologist said he'd take me off anti coagulants altogether as i was considered low risk. When I mentioned that I intended to return to Thailand he decided I should keep taking warfarin as there was a risk in Thailand if I had another clot. He offered to change me to eliquis which I accepted. He claimed that the risk of abdominal clots with eliquis was about the same as warfarin but eliquis was safer, despite not having an antidote available because of the short half life whereas warfarin can take days to clear without a vitamin K shot. I found that very few foods actually affected my INR (when on warfarin) and it was easier to regulate my INR by eating more or less greens than it was to change the dose to chase changes in INR. Rarely did I drift out of therapeutic range. I'm much happier taking eliquis but wondering what the cost will be in Thailand. With the PBS scheme in Australia, it is $41 for a month supply, around $100 full price.
  19. The N word is self deprecating which is why it's only appropriate for those who use it in that way. It is not appropriate to use the word in any other circumstances. I think many would wish that blacks had to emulate Sidney Poitier to succeed in a white man's world. And it's not "political correctness", it's just an epithet. Nothing at all to do with politics, either by those who use it or those who are offended by it.
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