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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. "...Weak Holiday Season Sales" Thai owned hotels will be the last to realize this. Charging over the top hotel rates so as to have there properties virtually empty. Then they'll ask for government help. All the while international chains have already seen the writing on the wall. Poor Chinese economy, wars, and after "COVID Travel" hangover from last season. Rates will plummet this year,except for most of the Thai owned properties.
  2. Nice walkway nonetheless. Much easier to replace also. Get some good PVC pipe from SCG if you finally pool the trigger and get the job done. Nice to have water accessible everywhere without having to drag the hose around. Good luck.
  3. If you can get the replacement tile it"ll be a two day job. Luckily labor is cheap.
  4. Sure beats the usual heat and humidity. Best time of the year.
  5. Sounds like COVID. I just wanted to sleep. Blunt headache for days. Finally got a test kit and it was COVID. Very contagious, everyone caught it in the household. Sick for 3 weeks, still lingering stuffy nose and cough.
  6. Udon Thani, hand down. Cool little City. The Pannarai Hotel or eighth Hotel are descent hotels adjacent to the beer bar complex. Another area around the corner with plenty of other bars with hostesses also.
  7. Common amongst poor families in Issan. The money the Thai men put in for drink, drugs, and ciggs they could build a fairly descent home. The mothers are also a big problem. Coddling the boys/men from birth to grave. They're usually totally or partially dependent on handouts from there mother.
  8. On top of that, anything you eat is turned into the new catchphrase of the government, "softpower". Come to Thailand and eat Jai-Mai street food because pink girl ate it. Woohoo!
  9. Its better tunneling in instead of getting married.
  10. Mask wearing is actually used to PREVENT the spread. Very helpful to stop aerosols from spewing from your mouth and lungs. "Will a mask prevent you from spreading the flu if you’re currently ill?" " The answer here is also yes. In fact, almost any mask will reduce the spread of influenza droplets so if you know you’re sick, it’s a good idea to keep others safer by wearing a mask." https://www.familiesfightingflu.org/do-surgical-masks-prevent-flu/#:~:text=The answer here is also,safer by wearing a mask. That's why you shouldn't get your advice from conspiracy theorists, 100% of the time there wrong.
  11. Chinese and Russians are a pain in the *rs*. Most businesses hate them.
  12. Chinese usually visit a country once and move on. The majority aren't repeat customers. With a sagging economy, Chinese are also encouraged to spend money domestically, not unlike Thailand.
  13. I'd be more bothered by the noise if I had property near the extended nightlife. Drunk driving, unfortunately is a way of life in Thailand. Perhaps it'll be safer as they'll be fewer sober people out and about to get hit at that time of the morning.
  14. You handled the incident well. Chalk it up to experience. In the regards to the dog bite, get rabies shots. No Thai is going to owe up to saying that it's there dog who bit you.
  15. The burning of crops, garbage, etc is horrendous. The pollutants it creates knows no borders. Bangkok is usually going to be polluted like any big metropolis in Asia. Nothing is going to change. To much money to be made and to expensive to do things properly. Here a good website to see which direction the pollutants are blowing. https://www.windy.com/?6.929,99.871,5
  16. There slowly making it two lanes the entire way. The US originally had it built (paved) during the Vietnam war. It's tough when it's a holiday, cat breakdowns, or following a slow truck full of chickens. Lots of it aren't well lit or not at all. It's a third world highway in many aspects.
  17. "Fires in Indonesia (particularly South Sumatra and Riau in Sumatra, and Kalimantan in Borneo), and to a lesser extent in Malaysia and Thailand, have been identified as sources." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southeast_Asian_haze "most fire aerosols come from Sumatra and Borneo." https://www.globalasia.org/v14no4/cover/tackling-southeast-asias-air-pollution_moekti-h-soejachmoen
  18. The roads in Thailand are like roads of yesteryear. They widening. Mittihap, the main road to Issan is still one lane in both directions. Bottlenecks and cars stuck in hours of traffic jams contributes huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide.
  19. 90% off all that dust, smoke, and pollution is coming up from Indonesia,Malaysia, and Myanmar. True, Thailand contributes to the mess, but it's a South East Asia problem and has been for 30 years.
  20. I can't stand the Chinese tourists also. I'd love a nice clean air-conditioned Sports Book though here in Issan.
  21. Chinese, and Asians in general enjoy gambling. Legalize gambling.
  22. Sounds almost like Anutin also ran the Philipine's Department of Health. I believe Qdenga, the newer vaccine has positive results.
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