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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 20 hours ago, Caldera said:

    I have no idea why anyone bothers with 90 days reports at the best of times, let alone now. If mine didn't work online, I wouldn't waste any extra time and effort on them and just pay the fine later. This is NOT the time for unnecessary immigration visits.

    Immigration office and those officers are definitely not a safe place to visit during a raging pandemic.


    I bet the employees are just as unhappy and would prefer the government to defer any visits until things level off a bit.


    2000 baht fine is better than a dose of COVID-19!

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Almost as bad as the numbers in the vaccinated UK.

    Current daily average UK new infections 37k

    Cases in the UK | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk)

    Thats a lot!


    There fully opening up today also.


    At least they've vaccinated a higher percentage of there population with better vaccines.  


    It's going to be an interesting test in any event.

  3. I think its definitely a good idea to have spare cash in your safe at home and your refrigerator(s) stocked.


    Limiting your time amongst other people while shopping,banks,etc is critical


    That said people in our village and probably most thais live day by day.  All the reason to vaccinate and stop making excuses and procrastinating.

  4. 14 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    Lazada is selling for about 10k an oxygen concentrator from Haier. It can get to 90/95% pure oxygen, depending on how high the flow rate is. Some cheaper models are 5k up but I'd say it would be hard to find HEPA filters for them as they are noname products. I'd say a concentrator would be a better idea than oxygen tank, as it can run continuously and concentrates O2 from the air. Once tank is empty, it's empty, but this can run all the time.

    I agree!

    In the USA that's what they give elderly patients.  Easy to use and transport around the house.


    I'll definitely take a look.


    • Like 1
  5. Even China recognizes that there vaccines, Sinovac in particular, are not sufficient.


    People who but, "It prevents death".  Thats not good enough if you're front line workers are laid up with high fevers and still contagious after getting the virus despite having two Sinovac shots.


    That said its better than nothing, I guess.   


    The government needs to be held responsible for this mess.  Total ineptitude.

  6. 7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    School funding crisis coming right up. Not many Thais gonna pay for a school the kids can't go in to

    I've already paid.

    Bus fees.


    I Know a portion is needed for school upkeep and salaries.


    Our private school just sends homework to print and its up to the parents to create a curriculum.  


    Theres no interaction on-line like other schools.

    Hopefully get some money back, she's only attended 2 weeks.


    Plenty of Free-Fire cell phone playing.

  7. 46 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Locals don't buy corned beef.

    Since we have a Makro some years ago the markets and local shops in the district town suffer heavy.

    The mom&pop shop owners storm Makro and pile up heavy on flatbed carts.

    Stuff that they bought at local distributors in the past.

    Printing their bills takes endless. Five digit amounts.

    Food vendors buy chicken and pork in huge amounts at Makro.

    Much less business for the markets.

    More business for Dollar billionaires.

    Makro is much safer and cleaner than the mom and pop shops.


    I wouldn't touch the meats they sell at the local outdoor markets either.  No refrigeration and covered in flies.  Definitely cross contamination and I've never seen soap in the filthy markets shared bathroom area.


    We do get our fruits and vegetables though.  I try and not think about the huge amount of pesticides they use.



  8. 2 hours ago, CALSinCM said:

    Here's one of my favorite.  Many Traditional Thai Medicines are being touted as working to alleviate Covid.
    But sell a Traditional Thai Medicine online and claim it alleviates Covid and go directly to prison. 

    So only certain, special people and institutions can give out TTM for Covid and everyone else is a fake and fraud and needs to go to jail.

    How does that work in reality?  Same way it works for cannabis.

    Certain people are protected and others are not?  This country really does suck sometimes.  All about money and wealth and power.

    So unfair.


    Most corrupt government everything to rule Siam.

    • Haha 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    Noticed that at the bottom. I rarely use Shopee... Now probably first time in 2-3 years.


    I ordered tests before police started making fuss over offering them online. It was supposed to be pre-order to ship 2 weeks later but actually shipped immediately. Received them last week. Sealed, looking good. Expire in 2023. Looks like they were bulk packed, and then resold individually. Come with copied piece of instruction paper. The brand of the test is SD Biosensor.

    I'll check it out.  


    There are pharmacist in Thailand buying in bulk from Alibaba.  


    Oxygen tanks is what I want.  Dying from lack of Oxygen sounds something out of a nightmare.

  10. 9 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Really? I thought it was because it is easier to have a hand in the game that way. But, who am I? I can be wrong.

    Whatever they can do pillage the Thai populace.

    9 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    They are distributing exact same ones as the government pharmacies are offering. They come with A4 instructions sheet in English and Thai, a pictorial that is very easy to follow. So if what Shopee sellers are selling is substandard and ineffective, so is the stuff government is offering.

    Shoppee has a money back guarantee though.

  11. 8 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    It is hard to know what the throught processes were. It was public knowledge when the local AZ production was announced that Thailand had only ordered 26 million out off 200 millioin expected annual capacity and there was widespread criticism by Thais of the small order.  The SBS project was supported with a loan of taxpayers' money to build the factory and a lot of lip service but there was no meaningful support in terms of an offtake agreement for meaningful quantities relative to the size of the Thai population which meant that AZ had to pre-sell more aggressively to other Asia countries to ensure the viability for SBS. Could it be that the government wasn't that happy that Siam Cement came up with this project as they were hoping to rely on Sinovac at 3 times the price?  But clever Siam Cement came up with a project they couldn't refuse. Just wondering because not much about it makes sense.

    Everything is convaluted.

    Reeks of corruption.


    Anutin said everything is going as planned.  

    Im surprised he's still walking around.  There must be plenty of mourners wanting revenge for there follies.

  12. On 7/17/2021 at 4:58 PM, ubonjoe said:

    There is no limit on the amount as far as I know. Bangkok Bank will change 500 baht to receive the transfer.

    See: https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand

    And depending on your bank sending it can be free also.  Chase Bank offers free international transfers for accounts with $250,000 and above.

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