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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. I wonder why you would want to do that unless you want to become totally vegan or are lactose intolerant. 


      That's difficult in Thailand because there vegetables are notoriously saturated in chemical pesticides. and pretty filthy in general.  Unwashed hands handling everything.

  2. 1 hour ago, kickstart said:

    If it is to do with the Red Cross ,the Royal Princess is a patron ,she could well be paying for it ,

    She gets a lot of donations ,that could well fund it 

    Theres no donation!


    The villages have to arrange to pay 1,300 a dose from there own budgets.  They then will supposedly vaccinate at risk people in there area.

    There not supposed to charge these at risk people.  


    My understanding is the village heads are usually pretty corrupt.  I can see this being resold at a steep price to the highest bidder.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Thailand is hardly a poor country. According to the World Bank classification system, Thailand is an upper middle income nation. It can easily afford to purchase all the vaccines it needs. It need not depend on charity. It's the will that's been lacking, not the cash.

    So true.


    Awful governance and one bad decision after another.



    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    The world is not going to be fully vaccinated before the end of 2022


    it is taking 9 to 12 months for the rich countries to be fully vaccinated,


    there is currently 5 billion doses in production, we need 14 billions doses


    this is just the beginning, and SE Asia will get the end of the deal like most poor countries, so 2022 is more likely the year when Thailand will start a full vaccination program


    that means Thailand should expect about 150K deaths from covid in the next 12 to 18 months


    like I said, this is just the beginning

    They didn't order the vaccines.  Thats the problem.  They have or had plenty of money.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Currently, only one company is able to undertake the tests in Thailand. The minister mentioned nonetheless, that if price controls need to to be instigated, his office is ready to act

    Monopolies always lead to higher prices.

    Vaccines and tests are free in most countries.  Having to pay for them is going to discourage the average Thai to purchase tests.  

  6. On 7/15/2021 at 8:12 AM, Mickeymaus said:

    I guess you have Internet already. So please check which server will give you an upload speed of 300 or 500. If you get 50 that will be very nice already. The same is true for the download speed. In respect of everyone does video calling. Install something where you can see the up- / download data to see how much you really need. You might be surprised how little this is.


    But anyhow - normally 3BB is always happy to upgrade you to a more expensive connection. So it should not be a problem to change to a higher speed afterwards. On the other hand 100 Baht is not much. If it gives you a better feeling...

    True 300/300.  Its very fast for my needs.  Id upgrade but thats the fastest I can get in these parts of Issan.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    That's not quite accurate. One WHO official said that individuals doing this on their own was "a little bit of a dangerous trend" and that "such decisions should be left to public health authorities."


    Neither she nor the WHO as an organisation has come out definitively for or against it on an overall basis.

    They have said its a "dangerous propesition".  


    In any case there isnt much choice.  It didn't have to be this way.  So many wrong choices.

    Really frightening times.

  8. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Last year the Insurance companies thought they were getting

    money for nowt, as there were hardly any cases, my wife and

    daughter got 100,000 Thb cover for only 150 Thb, I paid 450 Thb

    for i think it was 50,000 Thb cover, now thats coming back to

    haunt them, as deaths rise, but at least this company is still

    honoring the policies already taken out.

    regards worgeordie

    A lot of us who didn't get wish we had.

    Scary times.

  9. 5 hours ago, kimamey said:

    I can't find it now but there were comments a couple of days ago about this on here. There was some suspicion that this wasn't true since insurance companies would normally just pay medical expenses direct to the hospital but there were replies with scans of documents to show some pay out direct to those insured. I don't know if this was for medical expenses or just for having covid.


    The thing that worries me is will this make it harder to get covid insurance? Maybe these are just companies that have underestimated the risk and so their premiums are too low or they are paying out when they shouldn't. I agree the second isn't that likely but the first is. Hopefully the international companies are more stable even if that means more expensive.

    Interesting point.

    Another added expense if you can find it now.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Lol, I think they saw you coming!  I am one of the most miserly, tight-fisted expats that exists.  If I say that living in Luang Prabang is cheap, then it must be true :)My 10,000 baht/month  house just 100 metres from the Mekong, water bill is $3/month, electricity $30/month, fresh salad every day from an upmarket restaurant in town is $3.  I have never even spoken with a policeman in 3 years.  Some people seem to attract problems - maybe that's you ????

    I wonder how your electric is so cheap.  Nice!


    Electric here Thailand always seems so darned expensive.  Especially for the terrible wages they earn here.



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