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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Funny thing is, overstaying is considered a crime in Thailand... "many have ended up on a blacklist for overstaying their visas ... is still considered a crime in Thailand". https://gam-legalalliance.com/blacklisted-in-thailand/
  2. Why not call Samsung Service and get it straight from the horses mouth?
  3. Pension freezing has nothing to do with you premarital status.
  4. Did you draw that misspelled cartoon yourself?!
  5. "Other" people. So what's your problem if it's not your business??😳 I don't have a problem, I was simply commenting on your post that suggested that you're the one having the problem with GFMs!
  6. My point exactly (except that I have twice been pulled over by the Highway Patrol driving from Khon Kaen to Bangkok), they do not always have the budget for constant patrols.
  7. Who said "it's bothering us" ???😳 Not my post, Sir😄 Did you just woke up??🤗 Too early🤣 You implied it when you posted this... "The family should ask for a bank loan or borrow somewhere but not bothering other people with the stupidity of this guy". Your post, did you just wake up...too early?
  8. Why? How is the family "bothering" you?
  9. Christ...the quoted figure was not just for a bed.
  10. Then there are people who have nothing better to do than snipe from the peanut gallery. No worse than those who post lame mocking and derogatory threads from the peanut gallery about Thais.
  11. Doesn't it take a special kind of marketer to be that stupid? No, it does not. Some promotions are from the manufacturer in which 7-Elevens have no involvement, or choice, and some offers are from the individual 7-Eleven shop.
  12. If you had been raped, would you accept 600 Baht to forget about it and not press charges ? Ridiculous hypothetical, he wasn't raped and he isn't a bar girl drinking with the boss.
  13. Well she was paid... Bt.600.00 If the consent was given on the proviso of Bt1000.00 payment but she did not deliver 100% as agreed services so payment reduced.... Still rape ? Only 40% rape!
  14. It is classified as rape legally . She consented to sex on the condition that you paid her the agreed amount . If you don't pay her the money, then the consent is withdrawn . Consent was given on the condition a payment is made : No payment =no consent, No consent = rape Under which legal jurisdiction? The UK, US, Thailand?
  15. Whenever I'm driving I see a lot of highway patrol cars pulled over on the side of the road at these little air conditioned offices where they're likely playing cards, so what you're saying is utterly false. They have enough cars to patrol, they just don't have any motivation. No, it is not "utterly false"; available highway patrol cars are frequently seen patrolling the highways. Specifically what is "a lot" of highway patrol cars that you see at those offices - are there perhaps one or two that may be there for official reasons (shift changes, reports, administrative reasons, etc. ?) or even there because the stations' officers will not provide their own fuel for police patrol vehicles?
  16. What equipment are they missing.... ????? In the case of the post to which I was specifically responding, i.e. road safety, they lack vehicles and fuel for patrols dues to insufficient government budgets for local police stations nationwide.
  17. Where was it reported that the owner of the business was a Thai?
  18. And what do you suggest that he do when charged with making a false police report?
  19. It is actually because they are not provided with enough equipment to do that patrolling, nothing to do with lip service.
  20. That's because they are not provided with sufficient equipment.
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