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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. B0llocks. Who is the "they" that you are accusing of "usually conning" foreigners?
  2. Call them again to speak to a different call centre rep, quoting the email, and ask them for specific requirements and tell them specifically what documents you have and what you do not have.
  3. Funds in dormant accounts are remitted to the Bank of Thailand under an arrangement with all Thai banks. On production of suitable proof of identity/account ownership any held funds will be returned to the account holder by the BoT.
  4. What makes you think that he'll be deported and have to go anywhere?
  5. Jesus Christ...take a breath. "...why don’t they go after the guy who set the whole thing up..." It has been reported in other cases that the lawyers involved in the incorporation of raided nominee companies are being investigated also.
  6. Falling out with the nominee shareholder who probably was not a real partner?
  7. "A night out in Pattaya took a wild turn when the writer’s motorbike taxi ride home became a near-death experience". Huh? The writer did not experience anything, the OP is a made up fantasy story about what the author thinks "Bob Smith" experienced; it is all in the OP's mind, none of it happened.... "Another satirical tribute in fond memory of the original, hapless, Bob Smith".
  8. He didn't. It's a fairy tale about what "Bob Smith" didn't do, either, just the OP's bizarre imagination.
  9. What are you asking him that for? It's a made up story about what he imagines could happen to "Bob Smith"!
  10. Seriously, how many people make plans to deal with our own years-away, potential dementia when we're compos mentis?!
  11. There could be a lot more to dealing with a dementia patient than wheeling him around the airport in a chair.
  12. And who looks after the dementia patient once he's on the plane? Not the cabin crew, that's for sure. And who is going to be responsible for him and/or assist him in the event of an emergency evacuation in which he may have no idea about what is going on or what to do? Those are the reasons for his probably being denied boarding if the airline staff are nade aware of his condition, as they should be.
  13. Nothing but Gillette products on that link.
  14. Probably to force an introduction to social services.
  15. They will not accept them unaccompanied, cabin crew are not nursemaids and cannot take responsibility for him in addition to the safety risk in the event of an emergency if he does not know what is going on.
  16. This is not correct. You can book an accompanied flight for elderly or disabled people. Airline staff will look after him from check-in to arrival. They look after everything but he will need a fit-to-fly certificate You didn't read my post, did you? It is accurate and I specifically referred to his being alone - you know, no one to take care of him on the flight. The OP made no mention of an accompanied flight being arranged.
  17. he's supposed to leave early March and his passport expires 15 March What's the relevance of that to my comment regarding refusal of boarding?
  18. Do you have proof of this, like tangible proof that you can actually show us. Or is this the personal observation of your seeing eye dog? Of course I do not have tangible proof anymore than the poster to whom I responded has tangible proof of his claim! You cannot, though, really be suggesting, illogically, that Thais do not get ticketed or fined in a country where 99% of the population is Thai, can you, and you're asking for evidence of that? You're also disputing that many foreigners are not stopped and fined? Do you have tangible proof that you can actually show us, or is this the personal observation of your 'seeing eye dog' (whatever that is) ?
  19. Does not need to. UK pp ID page will be sufficient. Why did you misquote what I posted? I simply asked a question, indicated by the question mark, that you omitted to include when you quoted my comment. This was my actual comment... "Do you think that he can safely rely on his out-of-date licence to be acceptable as his only proof of address?"
  20. It means "minor wife" and it is very common for Thai wives to object strongly to mia nois.
  21. So overstating the issue. It will be acceptable. I wasn't "overstating" anything, I was asking a question that may have been relevant based on the circumstances the OP laid out.
  22. As soon as the airline staff see his condition he will likely be refused boarding if he has no one to take care of him during the flight. The cabin crew, even if they wanted to, are not permitted to take on that responsibility.
  23. But his licence does not show his address. It is illegal to use a licence with an incorrect address in the UK and, at the very least, will be seen as not up-to-date and may be considered invalid. Do you think that he can safely rely on his out-of-date licence to be acceptable as his only proof of address?
  24. No, it doesn't... "...ares till eligible...". "...are still eligible...". Not "legible"!
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