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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. There are none. What about the air above the Atlantic at the moment...a good wall?
  2. Which Nazis are being backed by Musk? What's your evidence for accusing him of furthering his own far right wing social media empire by stealing personal info of all Americans? How is he "smashing the government into smithereens"? Rationally, I mean.
  3. How? It would be a private venture, there's no suggestion of a governmental involvement.
  4. You do know that the Mods hate childish nicknames. But hey, tell us why you gave him that one other than kindergarden ego needs. Agreed, but, regrettably, the childish nickname rule only applies to other posters' forum names.
  5. Nothing's stopping them leaving right now, been that way for a long time.
  6. For the same reason that, prior to transatlantic air travel being the norm, such a project was considered desirable...to get there quickly.
  7. He was attacked and knifed by the "youths" in the gang, not the 10-year old child who was present.
  8. Not law yet and the amendment only "discourages parental corporal punishment".
  9. I'm fine, thanks, don't need your sympathy. Your familiarity with rabbit holes is, c;early, much greater than mine.
  10. You said that, I didn't, so no, I have not "got it". nor did I suggest that. Got it? Right.
  11. Perhaps the best example of circular reasoning I’ve seen on this forum since last Wednesday, maybe since last Monday. Perhaps the best example of a demonstration of a lack of understanding of the concept of "circular reasoning"!
  12. Are you serious??? I believe you are!!! So a few to be going on with: some old and some new but relevant to the Lyin king........... 1. One of Trump’s most audacious promises was that he could end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours of taking office — or even before. Failure. 2. He said coronavirus would “go away without a vaccine.” You bought it. But it didn’t. While other countries got the pandemic under control and avoided large numbers of fatalities, the virus killed more than 170,000 Americans. 3. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something “beautiful.” It didn’ 4. He said he’d cut taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. He did the opposite. By 2027, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of the Trump tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans will pay more in taxes. 5. He said corporations would use their tax cuts to invest in American workers. They didn’t. Corporations spent more of their tax savings buying back shares of their own stock than increasing workers’ wages. 6. He said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year.. Nope. The economy stalled. 7. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He increased the federal deficit by more than 60 percent. 8. He promised to help American workers during the pandemic. But 80 percent of the tax benefits in the coronavirus stimulus package went to millionaires and billionaires. 9. He said Mexico would pay for his border wall. The wall was never completed and the American taxpayers footed the bill for the small amount which was completed. 10. Trump increasingly whitewashed the Jan. 6 riot, going from calling it a “heinous attack” in the immediate aftermath to a “day of love” by the end of his campaign. He has said he wants to pardon many of the prisoners who were arrested, charged and found guilty of crimes related to their actions that day. A failure. 11. Trump University was supposed to provide people training in real estate through a series of seminars so that they could become rich. A federal court approved a $25 million settlement with students who said they were duped by Donald Trump and his now-defunct Trump University, which promised to teach them the "secrets of success" in the real estate industry. It was a scam. Surely enough to be going on with for now No, not enough, in fact you failed. I sure am serious... 1. He said he could, he did not promise that he would, but his term is not over! 2. His view about Covid was a view, not a promise. 3. Yet...he's still got the best part of four years to do that. 4. He did. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 5. He said corporations could, that they didn't wasn't him breaking a promise! 6. Made it to about 3.8%! 7. Can't argue with that one. 8. As you said, he did, with 20% of that package! 9. I'll give you that one, too. 10. He did pardon the jailed protesters but, even if he hadn't, he term is nowhere near over yet. 11. Trump University was not a campaign or Presidential promise. Fail. You only got 2/11 right.
  13. Just because you cannot see the flaps in the OP does not mean that they were not on display.
  14. Why? Watching explicit images is not illegal in Thailand.
  15. Soon, Nung, Song, See, 555 0 1 2 4?
  16. Trump, the guy you were just talking about: Thanks for that confirmation that, despite your unbelievable assertions that you weren't referring to Trump in your early posts because you hadn't mentioned his name, you, very obviously, were.
  17. You responded to a nested quote in which neither I nor Tug mentioned Trump. You're right, Trump was not specifically mentioned because there was no need to when he is regularly and lamely referred to as "the felon", as any regular reader of this esteemed forum will know. No one else is ever referred to by that sad moniker.
  18. Did I even mention Trump? Did I say that you did? My reply was a response to Tug's comment (that I quoted) referring to "santising it for the felon"
  19. If anyone in the Trump administration is on the list it will “prove” them child molesters. I'm guessing that your use of inverted commas means only in the eyes of irrational, idiot Trump-haters?
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