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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. B0llocks, Chinese visitors and other nationalities are still comming here in droves. "Edited 6 hours ago by harleyclarkey Grammer" Grammer? Would that be one of your parents' mother?
  2. you can't tell from the video how far away to other road user was - I would suggest he expected her to go in front of him - however holding a baby, she was probably restricted in her ability to manoeuvre the bike or even apply the brakes. - during that |second" she would have travelled 20 metres - I suspect he saw her a couple of seconds before that she coud have been anywhere up. to 100 metres away. I edited that comment very quickly after posting it after looking at the video again, he was not even stationary when she collided with him.
  3. Mate, you seem to have a problem, and see Thai bashing in even article... No, I do not, but when I do see it I call it out for what it is.
  4. No, he was not, his bike was still just moving as she hit him.
  5. Except the baby. And the male rider. And the rider who stopped to pick up the baby. Apart from that, you were spot on.
  6. While Britons, and others, have quite a few positive attributes, there is no denying that many are just as sh!t drivers.
  7. You may know "how" but I doubt that you always do it the correct way. Have you ever broken any traffic law, anywhere, or contravened any highway code-type of driving convention? Thought as much.
  8. Really? Find that very hard to believe; why is it not an issue, don't they have traffic accidents in the UK?
  9. Wow, really interesting, I'm guesstimating about 250 words of unpunctuated, lung-bursting, off-topic irrelevance.
  10. Bleeding blood? What else would you expect her to bleed?
  11. That's a hideous sentence from a "teacher". Have you ever heard of full stops, commas, paragraphs or, perhaps, taking a breath? Let's hope you don't pretend to be an English language teacher.
  12. Personal family experience? That's what is known as a "bogan" family, isn't it?
  13. Been dreaming? I didn't say that the whole exercise could be done in 24 hours. Delivery of the card could be. You're thinking of credit cards, I think, something the OP did not mention. Banks do keep stocks of debit cards for immediate use that do not require authorisation before issuance as a credit card would.
  14. To whichever address she gives the bank as it's an emergency situation, allegedly. caused by the bank.
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