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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Don't forget that there is more than one orifice through which talking can be, metaphorically, accomplished.
  2. Yet another failed toothless sheep, Trump-bashing, attack, there is no "failed promise", he has almost four years yet to go.
  3. "...a promise he now cannot fulfill". In your opinion. He's only a month into his term, the best part of four years remains!
  4. Correct? Killed hundreds? How many Thai double-decker buses _on comparable city commuter routes similar to London's buses) have crashed and killed hundreds?
  5. Got anything to justify that complete nonsense? Trump is the President, not the 'president'
  6. His name is Zelensky but you are correct the idiot Zelensky should have buttoned it.
  7. You mean the suit that Trump withdrew? There's a big difference between free speech and slander, even so.
  8. It wouldn't offend me because what people choose to wear is their business, not mine or anyone else's and is not aimed at me.
  9. So on your book cage animals are mentally and physically fit to to run FBI? I didn't say that, neither did your link in the OP and I've no idea how you came to that conclusion. Judging from your OP and subsequent postings, I'm thinking that you may actually be a long-term, losing cage fighter, would that be correct?
  10. Hillbillies and brain dead cage fighters running America The irony of your chosen title when you obviously can't even read your own link in which there was no suggestion of UFC fighters running the country, only getting FBI agents fit.
  11. He's about to be found guilty of having protected wildlife without a license. Is he? What makes you think that he doesn't have the necessary paperwork, where has that been reported? Being accused of it doesn't mean that it is factual.
  12. Reviewing the pics............. yes. Where are those pictures confirming he was not wearing a helmet and that the bike was not roadworthy?
  13. I'm well aware of that. Was he helmetless and riding an unroadworthy bike?
  14. He has never been caught smuggling drugs. Many people are affluent, it isn't a crime or anything that suggests that he shouldn't be able to afford the purchase. How is it any of your business how he could afford it?
  15. She was done for smuggling, not possession.
  16. Anyone who has a permit is allowed to keep lions.
  17. If he can produce the necessary legal ownership documents he, obviously, would have had no reason to fear "being caught".
  18. Why, what has he been found guilty of? She's a convicted drug and protected wildlife smuggler.
  19. Convicted for smuggling, not possession and she had a history of drug use. She was also convicted of protected wildlife smuggling. She was released after 6 years.
  20. Is it? Doubtless you have something to justify that "knowledge"?
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