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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Mine always arrive in my BBL account same time every fourth Wednesday, except when a public holiday may disrupt it by a day, but nothing like that for a few months.
  2. Where was it reported that the FBI had arrived "to investigate"? The FBI are always here, anyway, they don't have to arrive.
  3. You think it's odd that Iranians come to Thailand, I've known of a few of them. Who said that he "came here just to open a restaurant" but what if he did? Who is the "we" to whom you refer? "Seems fishy to me". Seems that you may not know your arse from your elbow.
  4. As there was no suggestion of that, whatsoever, it is likely that he wasn't a terrorist "with ties" [sic].
  5. Not at all "random" as you'd know if you'd bothered to read the articles.
  6. Indeed, so "wonderful"... "...the conflict might be related to the late salary payment or physical punishment as the Iranian man usually beat Min for being slow at work".
  7. Ah, that well known Iranian hospitality... "He anticipated that the conflict might be related to the late salary payment or physical punishment as the Iranian man usually beat Min for being slow at work".
  8. Poor rural families will rarely be faced with the issue of substantial willed inheritances from a similarly poor family member but those who are do not have to pay the probate costs up front, the executor settles that expense from the deceased estate prior to distribution of the remaining assets.
  9. "Same same." Yes, that is what you were saying, just the same, different words. "...no point in giving a bank your Will (I doubt that they would want it) - it cannot act on it until a court has granted Probate". Absolutely, even though some posters claim that some bank staff will act illegally and take it upon themselves to distribute deceased customers' funds so "it must be ok" and they prefer to rely on that 100% incorrect information.
  10. It would be an even bigger disservice to pass on a deceased's money to the wrong person.
  11. Thank you for your unwanted advice. You asked for advice on a public forum, so, if you specifically wanted no advice from me, or advice that only fitted your way of thinking, perhaps you should have made that clear. Here's some more advice that you clearly need but don't want, all the information that I have posted here is accurate but if you prefer to rely on incorrect information, fill yer boots.
  12. I agree, but if officially stamped government documents are not accepted, what is? Administration/probate, from the court, that's what. What is it about a will that you seem to be suggesting is an "officially stamped government document"?
  13. What you have to bear in mind is that the bank manager is not the horses mouth (even though he may act as if he is), administration/probate is...even in Thailand.
  14. You're ignoring the fact that the bank manager does not have the authority to "sign off" on a will that hasn't had administration/probate, no matter what tradition or culture some may see as making it legal even if it happens. What if there were substantial assets involved, the will was being contested or if it wasn't the latest will...how could the bank manager know that? Stamps and signatures from the district office do not carry any weight, except to confirm that it had a copy of the will.
  15. "Should not do that:. Have you forgotten where you are! So what if this is Thailand? It looks to me as though you're now recommending illegal actions to AN readers.
  16. Bank staff should not do that, they do not have the authority, the bank has no idea whether the will is valid or not. The district office does not have the authority to decide on the validity of the will, either.
  17. Doing it that way, without waiting for administration/probate, is illegal...banks do not have the authority to decide on the disbursement of the funds of deceased account holders, even if they are shown what they may think to be a valid and current will.
  18. Why give a copy to the bank? A will does not give a bank the authority to disburse funds, administration/probate does that. Even if they did have that authority, bank staff have no idea whether a presented will is valid, current or subject to dispute.
  19. Cobblers, Donald Trump did not change the name, even if he had, so what?
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