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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. There appears to be video of only a request for passports/visas.
  2. "When I read your comments I think of..." Your comment says a lot about your interpretation of "thinking".
  3. Cobblers, your being intoxicated, that is what you think you are doing.
  4. "Well it is definitely rape... he already admitted to the act - sex..." Wow, so much ignorance...you really think that sex is rape?
  5. Jesus Christ... Why waste money on a trial and risk him being found not guilty? The OAG/Prosecutor's opinion isn't enough to determine a verdict!
  6. "If it is proven without a doubt ... I would advocate no need for a trial. It could only be proven in a trial, that's what they're for!
  7. You seem to think that having a different opinion is "only posting to argue"; if that is the case, to use your logic, your having a different opinion to other posters is also "only posting to argue"...unless you're a hypocrite.
  8. It's called having an opinion; that it doesn't match yours, or others', and for that being categorised as "most unpleasant" is even more unpleasant.
  9. You know Lou, I know you do. Dont act like you don’t know Lou. Well, I do know that there is no such word as "peado".
  10. No, "we" have not seen it "too many times", unless you're meaning that any number of times is "too many", a sentiment with which I would agree, but I doubt that was your intended meaning. I believe that you were suggesting that foreigners being attacked with machetes for B50 has happened frequently and I dispute that assertion.
  11. Yes, I've been here for thirty years. How about you? Being here the same period of time as I have been is not evidence that unprovoked attacks happen as frequently as "all the time" as some posters are alleging. Got some examples of more than a couple of unprovoked attacks "happening all the time"?
  12. I think its perhaps more often than we read in the news... certainly more than a couple of times over several years... Unprovoked attacks (which are what I am responding about) happen, and have been reported, more frequently? Really? Where and when? "I think its perhaps more often than we read in the news..." Speculating about situations that have not been reported to have happened is just fatuous.
  13. I see it quite regularly and I ALWAYS help tourists on the street when I see they are about to be scammed or taken advantage of in some way. Who mentioned scams? You responded "Happens all the time" to... "The guy just randomly attacked a tourist for absolutely no reason at all". You do not see that regularly, never mind "all the time", if you have, be specific about all those completely unprovoked attacks that you've assisted with.
  14. Wrong Really? Got something empirical to back up that assertion?
  15. "...most of it was without provocation". Without specifics, and evidence, clearly there's a 100% chance that you are lying.
  16. happens all the time All the time? A couple of times over several years would be more accurate.
  17. No he wasn't. That was about his dangerous political agenda of retribution. The man is really a monster. He intends to kill American democracy. "That was about his dangerous political agenda of retribution". What credible evidence of that do you have? "The man is really a monster. He intends to kill American democracy". If that was true (and, obviously, it isn't, unless you've got something rational and empirical to back it up) how come he didn't do it during the last four years in which he was in the perfect position to do so?
  18. So, now you are advocating political violence in the form of revenge? That is not what he posted!
  19. That's just your, clearly, biased interpretation of the "Fight" gesture, not fact.
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