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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. That report is related to Covid infections, not to the vaccines, the vaccines were not mentioned at all, so it is a bit of a stretch considering the multi-millions of vaccinated people and the infinitesimally small numbers of reported hair loss cases.
  2. "Twelve of the 25 most dangerous jobs as measured by the rate of people who die at work are in the construction industry, according to a recent report from business insurance analysis firm AdvisorSmith." https://www.constructiondive.com/news/report-nearly-half-of-americas-deadliest-jobs-are-in-construction/586801/ Is Thailand's construction industry safer than that of the USA's? I've no idea but, then I don't care because the US's safety record couldn't be more irrelevant. If workers were killed as a result of dodgy scaffolding with any regularity here, you'd know about it.
  3. Just as the rest of the world does, your own country included. Why should Thailand have to virtue signal?
  4. This is Thailand, not the US. It's your problem if you don't understand proper English! Bangkok's pavements are not constructed using ceramic tiles, they're what most places have in the bathroom!
  5. And that fixes the problem? Nah, don't think so, Kwasaki was right, a faulty EGR cannot be reset.
  6. How does it "save a fortune and time waiting at a garage" if the car has to be taken to a garage for repair anyway?
  7. People who assume that everyone with a reasonably modern car needs a code reader. The mind boggles.
  8. You live in Thailand ---Really... Yes, really, that's what I wrote. why are you so quizical about it?
  9. Got a full foreign licence, in English, he's good to go, no IDP needed.
  10. No-not same thing-- I feel its better if you reside in Asia....which is what he intends to do. Where you live you probably have the choice of buying many different printed Books. "Where you live you probably have the choice of buying many different printed Books". I live in Thailand but what has where I live got to do with it?
  11. Lazada driver? Never seen one in our area, here they are mostly using flash or Kerry. So I can't comment. Why don't they allow you to inspect the goods before paying? Ok, "Lazada" driver, the bloke who's driving the vehicle that's delivering your Lazada order. "Why don't they allow you to inspect the goods before paying?" You need to ask Lazada that question, I don't make their rules but I'd guess that it could be because the delivery driver is a delivery driver. The driver's not there to hang around while you mess around with your parcel deciding whether you approve of the contents (the goods aren't sent "on approval", they have a returns service for that) and he's sure not there to take unwanted, opened packages back to the depot without the money that he was expected to collect when his day began.
  12. Not all refund requests are accepted at all. My own personal experience. I provided clear undesputable evidence and lazada still rejected. So what evidence? Vendor advertised max lenght 195 cm for a rain suit, oh good, I order and get a rainsuit where the factory clearly state max size 190 cm (I'm over 190 cm). I scanned both of them side by side, vendor of course rejected, I appealed and lazada rejected. Yes, maybe I've been lucky on each occasion and you weren't on that one occasion. I've noticed that the description of sized items at the bottom of the page usually states that allowances should be made for possible measurement inaccuracy as measurements are approximate.
  13. ..."I have no idea why..." You don't think that, perhaps, it's because you're coming with no visa?
  14. "...I got ... one "confused" and one "sad" reaction...". You care? Good grief.
  15. As you said, but for the OP's benefit, paint technology is infinitely better today than years ago.
  16. There are some (used to be, anyway) Thai magazines, similar to Auto Trader, that are just vehicles for sale and they have a used car price guide inside (not that those guide prices mean much).
  17. No. All cars, whatever the colour, get too hot standing in the sun here but probably 33% of the cars on Thailand's roads are black (66% silver or white) and continue to be sold, so red could not be any worse.
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