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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Yes. If it's only the colour differences on the wall that you are trying to hide, then primer and enough coats of paint will hide that. If you're trying to hide faults in the wall and areas where work has been done on the original wall, no amount of paint will hide that.
  2. Where does is say she didn't? Presumably if that was the case the foreigner would have mentioned it in the exchange about it on the video! He didn't.
  3. Where was it reported that he was overcharged with a padded bill and that they altered the price?
  4. Where did it say she was drunk, on ya-ba and wrongly accused him?
  5. You're assuming that it was possible for him to walk, presumably disoriented, in a straight line through a forest in the dark. You're also assuming that all islands slope gradually and conveniently to beaches with no obstructions on the way.
  6. But you couldn't even be bothered to rebut my belief. You simply went straight for ad hominin. The lazy way out???? You simply went straight for ad hominin [sic]. The thing is, though, ad hominem or not, you were wrong, Jacko45k is right. You couldn't be bothered to justify your claim...the lazy way out!
  7. Please provide a link to the appropriate traffic law, then. For the benefit of all. You're the one who made the claim about 14-year olds and 50cc bikes, you're the one who needs to prove the claim!
  8. I believe you're wrong. To ride legally, all motorcyclists in Thailand have to be licenced and the minimum age for that is 15. Even if your proposition was correct, what was she riding in this case?
  9. Modern cars are not "built flimsily using mostly plastic" they are built to comply with crumple-zone requirements to absorb energy in collisions and are mostly steel. The non-structural plastic bumpers cover a steel under-structure as reinforcement. The pickup pictured has, in no way, "just about exploded".
  10. Down to what age is this, 4 or 5? Any age according to him, he made no distinction, babes in arms included. Although, maybe the law that allows this (?) does indicate a minimum age or, at least, insist on them being out of nappies.
  11. Unlicenced, uninsured, underage children are permitted by law to ride motorcycles to school? Really? Nonsense.
  12. "...absolutely no mention of the fact she was underage". No, absolutely no mention of her being underage apart from the bolded headline specifically pointing out that she was underage.
  13. Not necessarily, modern vehicles are designed and required to deform easily in impacts to absorb kinetic energy. But why not suggest the pickup driver was lying, or at fault, when the 14-year old girl, on the phone, rode head-on into him, eh?
  14. Oh yeah, good point . Theres no need for me to lay low for a while . Thanks for pointing that out Anytime. Glad you appreciate my looking out for you and your well-being.
  15. a liitle tough to maneuver around harbors then. May even be required for entry. Sailboats are boats propelled by the use of sails (yachts with engines are motor yachts) and owners of non-powered sailboats are not incapable of manoeuvering them. Sailboats are not required to have engines for entry, if they were, there'd be no such thing as sailboats.
  16. You don't miss a thing do you.... Sharp as a bowling ball. "Sharp as a bowling ball". Don't be so hard on yourself.
  17. "i don't know why he wouldn't just ... stay in nice hotels..." Probably because that wouldn't constitute living on a boat!
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