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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Have you infiltrated the jury? She hasn't been found guilty of anything, yet.
  2. That's what he said he would be doing... "He would be working with child and family welfare groups to root out pedophiles".
  3. So much for "innocent until proven guilty". Visas can be revoked at any time by the IB, the decision doesn't have to depend on his being convicted.
  4. Obviously, Graham Holman is British if he's a British citizen.
  5. Thais will exploit minors for financial gain. It's not uncommon in western countries, either, UK and US being prime examples.
  6. Fortunately (for other countries), Thailand cannot get rid of its own citizens.
  7. That's what he said, anecdotally, on this anonymous forum, something that was never reported anywhere. Means nothing in comparison to the Kasikorn thread.
  8. "...the branch manager was operating the ponzi". The branch manager was not operating the fraud! She has not been implicated.
  9. He didn't say that, you altered his comment. He said "...the US practically invented financial crimes".
  10. I presume that the bank will not accept liability but will compensate those who had their money stolen by the ex-employee as a gesture of good faith.
  11. Yeah, things went well for him... In any event, he was not representing a bank. WaMu went bust a while back, but all the deposits were covered. The assistant manager in this case turned out to not be representing his bank either! And there is every chance that those he stole from will be compensated, the case is not over yet.
  12. Not that I know of. I am from the USA. Very few such incidents. Draconian penalties. 55555! Very funny! Sarcasm? How about Madoff, for one? Lehman? Fannie Mae?
  13. Have bank frauds/theft never happened in any bank branch anywhere in your country, then?
  14. What's a "Lady Manager" [sic], do you mean "mamasan"? This involved a bank not a go-go bar, didn't it?
  15. I'd say that protecting the bank's reputation and business would prevent the circumstances that you speculated!
  16. That applies if a bank goes bankrupt and is unable to pay its depositors, not to employee thefts.
  17. The bank has not said anything final yet, they and the police have stated that there will be an answer by 5th January so no caveats, Thai or otherwise.
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