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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Never mind the colour of his skin being a perceived problem, I just hope the OP wasn't "teaching" English.
  2. Article stated it was insurance through the school. Which article? I couldn't see that specifically mentioned in the OP or the linked article.
  3. Indeed, it's quite reasonable to expect a balcony to collapse after slightly more than normal use, I'm sure it happens all the time ???? How do you know what use the balcony had? "Slightly more than normal use"...says who? What were the (at least) two people involved doing when the accident happened? By the way, apparently the balcony didn't collapse, the handrail gave way.
  4. As speculation is, once again, the order of the day... it was likely what you would call proper health insurance cover - it was obtained through her employer [was it?] - but capped at a very low rate and voluntarily accepted by her as sufficient.
  5. "...the owner's responsibility". Really? How did the handrail come to give way, is it cut and dried that she and her colleague (there were two involved) did not contribute to the situation at the all-day party that was going on?
  6. Why do you insist on having digs at an agency that, in the majority of countries (if not every country), does not have the responsibility to pay for the medical treatment and subsequent repatriation of expatriates, to assume that responsibility, nor to extend charitable facilities to selected individuals? If they did that for this woman they'd have to do it for everyone who injures themselves whilst overseas.
  7. Nonsense. Any examples in which other countries have helped their citizens in similar situations to this one?
  8. "...flawed buildings with poor maintenance..." Amazing how you can know that. Perhaps the all-day party had something to do with the incident?
  9. Holding the helmet might show his face. Then if you are rich enough or have the proper connections, you could contact the police. Why? Why would the police be interested in a photo of nothing more than a man holding a helmet that is widely available here in Thailand? How could a photo such as that show that he was a thief or that what he was holding was stolen property? What about all the others who have the same helmet, should they be accused of thieving or possessing stolen property also?
  10. Thanks, but Thailand's bank managers are not sales people, per se, they have sales staff tasked with the majority of the sales. It is they who are compensated largely by commission and, with achieved targets, they earn a lot more than their branch manager can.
  11. Indeed Inspector Clouseau , without your superior knowledge and corrections, this forum and most likely the world would be doomed Thank you, I'm happy that you recognise that. If you really think that I'm a "Clouseau", why don't you point out where I've got it wrong?
  12. You seriously think that facing the charges she is facing is NOT serious trouble? Really? And you seriously think she might be innocent? Uhmmm….yeah…..okay. 555555 Didn't say that they aren't serious charges, nor that I condone the behaviour that she is charged with. I did say that, so far, she is innocent of the charges as she has not yet been found guilty, that's all! Doesn't matter what I think, or what you think, it's what the jury thinks, they're the only ones who have actually seen and heard the evidence...we have not!
  13. They, the police or medical authorities phone the embassy. You may need to clarify exactly what it is that you are asking.
  14. No, she doesn't have to inform "gov.uk". She'll have to inform someone and the police would be a good start if they hadn't already been advised. She could just contact your country's embassy which no doubt would be able to handle.
  15. Depends on the size of the branch but B40k-80k would be the normal range.
  16. You're welcome, someone has to point out the gratuitous, Thai-bashing inaccuracies sometimes.
  17. Of course it never happens in France, Germany etc. Did I say that it doesn't happen in France and Germany? I pointed out two countries in which I know that it has been widely reported.
  18. I have met some good pommies, but lots of sick ones as well Australia has its fair share of sick bastards also, don't forget that.
  19. The original report doesn't use that expression, perhaps it's just Thaivisa embellishment.
  20. Just to fend off the hounds, I'm not supporting him but it's the court that decides if they are guilty, not Thaivisa posters; at this stage no one has been proven guilty of anything.
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