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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. There was at least one Briton caught up in this so the chances are that English is his native language. That could be debatable, of course, if he is from the south east of the country!
  2. Really? A quick search returned the following: https://www.samuitimes.com/bank-ripped-off-100000-baht-claims-woman/ https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/banks-confirm-refunds-to-recent-cyber-fraud-victims https://www.thaipbsworld.com/130m-stolen-from-over-10000-thai-bank-accounts-in-just-four-days/ None of those three bore any similarity to the case in this thread which is what I asked the poster about. In all of those linked cases the customers suffered no losses at all as the bank reimbursed every account involved. Probably best to read your link suggestions before posting!
  3. I had not heard that.... was he doing business in Starbucks or a food court? Early reports sad that he had met some customers off-premises.
  4. Or to be exact, 5 working days. Isn't happening! 7, to be precise, if you want to exclude the weekend but include the 5th!
  5. Not exactly... Why were the customers only going to 1 employee?? That is strange.. Besides that 3,5 % interest a month is a bit much( 42% a year)... Why did the manager not question what was going on every last days of the month?? and much much more....What happened with the money? Google will answer all your questions!
  6. There is no "random testing" anywhere, including every other country!
  7. Could this possibly be the source of the infection ????? Could the family be the source of the infection?
  8. This is an ongoing story, initially reported some time ago, you need to read the previous reports.
  9. The bank and police have promised a result by 5th January, as clearly reported, so, a long, hard nine days to go.
  10. All commercial banks exist for the benefit of shareholders, not just Thai banks.
  11. "Seems to be a lot of stories like this". Nonsense. It's be interesting to see you quote specifics of there "seeming to be a lot of stories like this". I've never seen anything similar reported before or since, can you detail just one similar case? " How can they expect farang to deposit 800k for retirement visa?" Very easily. This was a one-off, it is not typical of Thailand's banks.
  12. It's all been well-reported for a long time, this is an ongoing investigation that doesn't need to be duplicated, ad nauseum, in every OP.
  13. Just because they are Caucasian, it doesn't mean that English is their first language ... You think that one out of the one hundred-plus would know correct English, though!
  14. That just about sums up nearly everything that is constructed or installed here :+) Actually, that just about sums up nearly everything in existence here in Thailand Go on then, such as...?
  15. What? You really think that local Bangkok residents depend on those water dispensers as a basic need? How have they been managing as most of the dispensers have been out of order for a long time, were all those Bangkok locals drinking imaginary water?.
  16. LOL. The usual posters rushing to post anti religious posts without thinking about the real story. What was "anti religious" about my comment?
  17. MedPark are doing Covid-19 vaccines for a profit. The Thai government are giving the same away for free. That's not accurate, MedPark has been heavily involved in the free 1st and 2nd vaccination programme. This is about booster shoots and they do not have booster allocations to provide free from the government as they did with the initial vaccines. Those who want to go private (MedPark is a private hospital!) can do so if they choose or can wait until the private hospitals are provided with government booster allocations that those hospitals will distribute free of charge.
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