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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Probably because they had to pay for it. They are not currently supplied with an allocation from the government to provide free of charge.
  2. Hardly surprising that she couldn't understand what you told her! Maybe you should get someone to explain to you what Christmas was about originally, it has never been about "three wise men and a virgin" [sic]. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Just the same as Buddhists commemorating Buddha's birthday/life, Visakha Puja.
  3. Where are "all those cannabis cafés" in Thailand? Recreational use of cannabis is illegal here.
  4. Just change your username mate. Not the first time you've had this little mix up. So what, why should I? I have never had "this little mix up", maybe other posters have, but I haven't! Why don't you change your username? Mate.
  5. I came here to get away from work, just having a few in the Crown Royal in Patpong nice little bar better when it had customers. Finish this then off for something to eat. Interesting, when I'd finished work in CP Tower I also used to head to the Crown Royal every evening, really nice bar. This was in 1994/5. Derby King or The Madrid was always good for some quick scran.
  6. Obviously, especailly if you bother to read the OP properly, it was fished out of the pond and then placed on the ground.
  7. Made in Thailand. Your "made in Thaivisa" comment is even less substantial!
  8. You're not seriously trying to say that the Swiss will not pay a pension that is less than CHF1,400 to an overseas bank?
  9. No chance, the breweries don't provide the girls, agencies do that for a fee!
  10. What about New Zealand, Middle East, West Asia, Africa and South America... ??? Quite right, those too. You left out the Pacific islands and India but I couldn't be ars_ed listing all 192 countries! Which one are you from, I'd guess one of my suggestions?
  11. The report, it was a police raid after they set up a sting by buying drugs from the dealers! I was more righterer than he was!
  12. Er, because, as the OP clearly, stated it was a police sting, they knew there were drugs being dealt there!
  13. Maybe not "luxury" by Bangkok standards but could be considered to be comparative luxury in Klong Luang and it was sure a lot bigger than 25sq. m. going by the video of the raid.
  14. I doubt that the massive bridge would have any problem with a tap from that lorry!
  15. I am not sure they approved selling the end product though Not "on the street", anyway! It can be sold to medical institutions.
  16. You dreamt it. Thais can grow six plants but only to supply medical institutions, These students weren't growing the plants, they were dealing the drug.
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