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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Just like every other country, with parental consent.
  2. not sure ... nothing shown You need to click harder on the blank space under or alongside the last sentence of his OP.
  3. "yeah right, just another DUMB Farang..." None of the people in the linked article would ever have the problem of getting pregnant, they're all blokes, trannies!
  4. Let me close my eyes and guess if you are are racist..................aaaaand bingo!! Whether he is a racist or not is irrelevant, he was right!
  5. It's news and may be of interest to people in Thailand for very obvious reasons, nowhere was it stated to be "headline news", whatever that is. What is "headline news", doesn't all news have a headline in print or online? If it's not important enough for you, you don't have to read it.
  6. You should apply for a job at their PR department. Funny how pointing out something accurate as opposed to just accepting the bizarre speculation of the OP get's under some posters' skin, isn't it?
  7. She was on her way home to Queens after seeing Daboyway, a Thai American rapper, in concert. At about 4 a.m., she was grabbed from behind in a chokehold, dragged along the northbound platform servicing the D, F, N and Q lines, thrown to the ground, punched in the face and robbed of her purse at the 34th Street Herald Square station. https://news.yahoo.com/lucky-alive-nypd-looking-suspect-230907503.html and elsewhere if you can be bothered to look. So no mention of it in the OP which is all that is relevant to this my comment in this thread. Why would I be bothered looking elsewhere for more details? No mention of her wearing a short skirt in that link, either.
  8. Jesus... ask Asean Now, not me. I was just explaining why there was an interest here...because the woman is Thai (Asian).
  9. That is just so much nonsense. ATM's run out of money because all the money that was in them at the start of the day has been withdrawn, that's all! It happens with every bank on occasions. "This is the way bank closures/runs start. ATM have no cash, branch offices close without notifying customers..." More nonsense. Which one ATM was not able to dispense cash to you? You know that if you went to another ATM you would have been able to get cash, yes? Your OP referred to one small branch being absorbed into another branch, not to offices, plural, closing.
  10. That is nothing to do with the bank's liquidity and certainly it's no "brick in the wall", it's just that some ATMs run out of cash before others! There is a finite amount of cash that is put into ATMs every day, there is not a conveyer belt from Kasikorn's vault to the ATMs continually topping them up!
  11. Some foreigners will immediately think there is a problem and very happily spread their illogical rationalisation and speculative assertions that the bank will lose their money.
  12. No, and you know why? There are no signs that Thai banks, or any Thai bank in particular, are in trouble. The bank explained very clearly to you why your branch was closed. As you said, they didn't close the branch office, it was just moved into another office occupied by another branch.
  13. Where was it reported that this happened at 4am and that she was wearing a short skirt?
  14. Er...she is Thai and this is Thailand, that's why. Is there something wrong with "blaming New Yorkers" if they beat up, molest and rob others even though, in this case, no one did blame a New Yorker for the assault? It is, of course, well known that every "New Yorker" is the salt of the earth and the very safe city has the lowest crime rate in the world that is decreasing even more, every day!
  15. I was able to open and read the link...no charge!
  16. What is the procedure for closing an account with BBL? Did you have to go to your own branch in Bangkok to do that?
  17. "Everything has to be done at your branch". That is incorrect, most things can be done at any branch. Do you have examples of the "everything" that you have had to have done at your own branch exclusively? "Getting a new passbook involves at massive document dump, dozens of signatures..." Completely false. Getting a new passbook to replace a full one requires nothing except the old book and, maybe your ID.
  18. "Bangkok Bank in Thailand" Thankfully just the opinion of one anonymous Thaivisa poster who, as per usual for most TV moaners, provides no evidence for his thread title's assertion. Most normal changes are easily made at any branch, through the app or through iBanking. What was it that proved so difficult for you to do that you provided no evidence for? I've banked with BBL for 20-odd years, never had any issue with it. My account is held at their Head Office and any change I've needed to be made could be done at a branch in a local mall.
  19. Assuming that you're not being sarcastic, what evidence is there that this pickup was a "heavily modified saloon"?
  20. The more times people post that incredibly original thought the funnier it gets.
  21. How many insurers have robbed you and how many times, under what circumstances? If you can back it up, you'll have credibility, if you can't, well.... By the way, "small print" does not exist these days, policy conditions do, though, and they have to be read!
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