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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I followed the link - it's not a PRC test I read it also. It's very satisfying when a misinformed poster, in an attempt to prove his misinformation to be correct, conveniently links to something that completely debunks his own argument.
  2. Well, he's been back here since the OP and, so far, he hasn't said it was a typo so your accusation that I am "perfect, without sin and arrogant" is rather...arrogant!
  3. Why to think again? It does not change how it works. Go and inform yourself. I am, very well, informed about Thai prison procedures...personally. You, clearly, do not know how the prisons work in the context of my comment.
  4. Gee, perhaps he inadvertently put a '$' sign instead of baht? Gee, how is so easy to type "$" mistakenly instead of "B"? Perhaps it wasn't a typo and he just wanted to embellish his already exaggerated story?
  5. On a thread that is about Thailand's traffic issues, why would anyone post a photo that was clearly not of Thais, or even in Thailand?
  6. So the law means nothing? No. The quoted penalties are the maximum, not the mandatory punishments, that's why reports use the phrases "up to..." or "could be...".
  7. No one starves in 14 hours. Don't forget this is the poster who claims he and his partner would have had to pay well over half a million baht for one week of quarantine!
  8. $16,000 (THB520,000+) for the two of you for one week's quarantine? With a claim like that, how much credibility do you think the rest of your "story" has?
  9. Or more probably, "Are you sure this thread isn't just about you not-so-subtly bragging about buying an expensive car and thinking anyone will be interested or impressed?"! The OP, that is, not you.
  10. You get less for killing people... What a weird country? But in practice, which is what counts, no one has ever been jailed or fined B1m for that charge. Not such a "weird country".
  11. Maybe that will be reflected in his punishment which will, obviously, not be a B1m fine and prison.
  12. Maybe you're right, Wisoot Rattanasathian's probably from Scunthorpe or Bradford, possibly Wales but there's no way he could be Thai!
  13. delete the or have brought in or sent in by visitors. Why? You think that visitors cannot buy from the shop and leave for inmates? You think that food cannot be ordered from outside the prison and delivered to prisoners? Think again.
  14. Collecting sea urchins from the seabed is a million miles away from the offence of damaging protected coral.
  15. Did he get deported? If he did, it's pretty certain that it wasn't just for handling a sea slug, he was being investigated for other irregularities, wasn't he?
  16. The man in question facing a fine and/or prison is a Thai, not a foreigner.
  17. Who's making a big deal out of it? Thanks for your unwarranted "grammar" lesson, anyway, even though us "snobby folks" (does that mean people with a vocabulary?) didn't need it. By the way, we've never used the word "folks", that's always reserved for....well, I'm sure you know for whom.
  18. well that happen to me but no charges were ever laid so I disagree with your assumption, you are just guessing my friend. What happened to you is irrelevant to this case. The details of the Frenchman's case have been clearly reported, I am not guessing. Amongst other things, he claimed that he could help his victims settle legal cases (obviously for a fee) because he had close relationships with police officers. He did not have those relationships, that is 'false pretences' and obtaining money that way is a crime.
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