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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Hahahahahaaa....! Wonderful loquacious verbosity but could you have a go at explaining in more pompous detail, please?!
  2. The requirement to display legible plates is a responsibility that you take on when you operate a vehicle on the road, that their quality may not be up to your standards is neither here not there. If they become illegible it is your responsibility to blow B300 to get new plates just as it is your responsibility, for example, to keep a vehicle legally roadworthy regardless of the quality of the vehicle supplied by it's manufacturer. "...given that the plates provided by and required to be displayed by an authority are an item that can not legally be purchased..." Nonsense, new plates can be purchased, legally, from the LTD.
  3. Chula University is morally bankrupt for operating it's business? How, specifically? Presumably, you're saying that all commercial entities are morally bankrupt, then, yes, or are there some commercial enterprises that you've spotted from your moral high horse that aren't? Do you patronise any of these "morally bankrupt" businesses?
  4. Not at all unusual, many merchants charge for using credit cards as they have to pay their bank a charge for accepting them.
  5. Gold Prices in Thailand for the last 10 years http://udon-news.com/en/gold/gold-prices-in-thailand-for-the-last-10-years Isn't the internet wonderful!
  6. "What happens when we die, suddenly, in Thailand, without a plan? Do you know?" Local bin lorry takes you away.
  7. "Try posting more uplifting subjects..." Try not reading the threads that don't appeal to you. Some of us appreciate all topics and no one is forced to read any threads. This one's title is specific enough about it's dreary contents to warn you!
  8. Anyone can write their own will and it is legal if it is witnessed by two people, lawyers do not have to be involved in the writing of it.
  9. That service is never free of charge and the same would have happened in any other country if no one was bothered enough to cough up for the body preparations...that is what is sad.
  10. ...and never patronised enough by all those who "appreciated and recognised" it to prevent it from going out of business! Those are the ones who destroyed it.
  11. So true, but unfortunately, those "fans" weren't fans at all, in the main they are just Thai-bashers coming out of the woodwork after the fact.
  12. Chula is not building a mall, Chula is a commercial landlord that leases their land to businesses because it is a business. If another mall was not a good business proposition the leaseholder wouldn't be building it, so much for your assertion that Bangkok doesn't need another mall. Chula sure did not need a shut down, deteriorating building occupying it's prime land.
  13. Haven't seen a single mall that has turned put to be a confirmed "white elephant", yet. Perhaps you know of one?
  14. They (Chula) are not turning it into anything. The property is leased and the leaseholder can do whatever they're allowed to do with it and they will only do what is rational as a business. Funny how so many people who have never been to that cinema are now so concerned about it!
  15. Having legible plates is your responsibility! It goes with the territory of owning a car.
  16. Not exactly, I've had the same information three times now, from three different PP reps.
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