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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why would there be further penalties in excess of the maximum?
  2. and how do you know that!! just full of it He had been supported by his family until his arrest, no reason to presume that they won't help him out.
  3. No, he will not be jailed as a penalty but he will be detained in IDC only for as long as it takes to arrange his deportation.
  4. Maximum means what it says on the tin! I think it's 20K. When he appears in court, which he will as he has been arrested and charged, it is likely that he will not be fined that maximum as that is how courts work with guilty pleas in overstay cases.
  5. He was, as the link posted earlier confirmed.
  6. In some circumstances such as disability...yes they can👍 It is not the norm, I am aware that there are exemptions which do not apply to the vast majority.
  7. Only if they can provide specific required evidence, something that you are, conveniently, not mentioning.
  8. The UK is making it more difficult by extending the required term! It is not as cut and dried as you make it seem!... "New 20-year requirement: Individuals must now demonstrate 20 years of continuous residence in the UK to apply for ILR through the long residence route. Continuous residence is crucial: This means there cannot be significant breaks in their stay in the UK during the 20-year period. Proof required: Applicants will need to provide substantial evidence to support their claim of long-term residence, such as utility bills, employment records, and tenancy agreements"
  9. That is right , dont only paste PART OF THE POST that is against Forum rules DUH No, partially quoting a comment is not a contravention of forum rules unless doing so alters the context of the post. You specifically stated, as a stand-alone sentence that "The right to respect for family life is protected by human rights, and includes the right to not be separated from family members. This right applies to a variety of family relationships, including parents and children, siblings, and unmarried partners". That is false, unless you can quote specifically where that protection is legislated. If you can, I will gladly admit my error.
  10. No, it dos not, unless there is suspicion of fraud.
  11. Using BBL, the remitter's SWIFT fee is B300, there are also the foreign bank's fees which, if sending funds to one's own overseas account, would need to be taken into consideration also. For a B2m transfer the total fee would be B1050.
  12. Well if so why did you not make sure it was clearly stated in you Post Total ambiguity, posters are NOT mind readers If read in the context of my previous comments on the same subject it would have been totally clear. Not only are some posters not mind readers, many do not even seem to be readers!
  13. Not true, state pensions can be paid to UK pensioners who leave the country and live long-term in other countries, the annual triple lock rise will not be applied though so the pension amount is frozen. Being in receipt of a frozen state pension, I am well aware of that; I was referring to state social security benefits.
  14. You couldn't have got the story more wrong. In a G2G deal vehicles were made in Austria, (Sweden and "ridiculous import tariffs" is complete nonsense) and Steyr ended up having to compensate BMA €20m. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/460241/city-losses-mount-in-fire-trucks-case
  15. No. they're all on the road and have been for years.
  16. congrats on using two big words in one sentence. Please visit again with some more...... You think that "in" and "is" are big words? Wow, that explains a lot.
  17. No, never been there so won't be posting about IDC life. I could tell you about life in Lumpini police jail, Thong Lo police cells, CSD cells and Klong Prem, though. But I won't.
  18. My credibility in your eyes is irrelevant and inconsequential.
  19. In some circumstances such as disability...yes they can👍 Yes, but not in normal circumstances which is what is being discussed. No point in confusing things with very low percentage exceptions that do not apply to this thread.
  20. https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/121267 were you one that signed this. Try and keep up with the times........ By "state benefits" I was referring to state social security benefits which are not payable to those outside the UK. Try to keep up with what I'm posting.
  21. You need to be more careful with how you read my comments. Specifically what have I posted that is inaccurate regarding UK pension, state, private or occupational pensions?
  22. Prove me wrong !! once a private pension reaches it term it pays out In OZ you can get your super at 55 and under certain circumstances at 40 I'm posting about UK pensions rules, not Australian. You're the one who claimed that private pensions can be accessed at any age so you're the one who would need to prove it. I don't want you to prove it, I know what the rules in the UK are (which is what the discusssion on this thread relates to).
  23. 60 is not the minimum age at which to receive an occupational pension in the UK.
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