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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Only if he informs the government of his location...except, of course, in the unlikely event that the individual becomes subject of a specific investigation.
  2. Do they really? Any examples of individuals doing that consistently, i.e. not a legitimate one-off circumstance?
  3. How would you expect anything else from doughnuts?
  4. No, the latest figures show over 100,000 western males hare married to Thais. About another 2,000,000 are still searching. That post was my response to this comment of yours... "You know how many Thai women ask me to find them a farang". As I said, I doubt that the number of Thai women who have asked you to find them a foreigner exceeds the number of fingers on one hand. Your "statistic" (where did you get that "statistic" from?) regarding men married to, or looking for a wife, has no connection with how many women you allege have asked you to find them a foreigner.
  5. Your point being ? What you are not understanding is that regardless of residency status, I do not fit into their basket as a tax resident because I do not have an assessable income, meaning that I am not required to register for a TIN or lodge a tax return, simple really, in other words, if I was deriving an income, I would have to register for a TIN and lodge a tax return. Does this register for you now ? "Your point being ? What you are not understanding..." That is my - and others' - point. "Does this register for you now?" Does this register for you now ?
  6. Pray tell us how? They cannot find out. because that information is not recorded and stored anywhere . Pray tell? Huh? You think? How do you leave the country...using what means?
  7. The tone, context and other posts of yours do suggest that you conflate "most" and "many". So, to be accurate, your claim now is that more than 50% of Thai women do, or have, practised prostitution? I'm glad that you have the ability to recognise the qualities that make a person "sad".
  8. What you are not understanding is that you are a resident here for tax purposes even though you pay no tax at the moment. That you have no current tax liability does not exclude you from being resident for tax purposes.
  9. But that doesn't mean that if the UK authorities want to know they have no way of checking on who has left the UK. They know - or can easily find out.
  10. They exist. So do Thai women who read books, but, granted, not as much as the supreme literati who litter this forum of intellectuals!
  11. No I didn’t. Well, you did say this, which is, as near as damn it, the same... "And sex work is not frowned upon like in the West, with many Thai women doing some sort of sex work at some point of their lives ... Thai women are famous for it all around the world. It is an acceptable occupation for the pretty women to get them out of the poverty trap".
  12. Look around a bit, there are many foreign-owned bars that have been successful for many years.
  13. Obviously, you meant to type "US academics". not "us academics".
  14. For someone so full of it (wisdom) you don't half post a load of it.
  15. You're assuming that it isn't the buyer who pays by the "discount" being factored into the price.
  16. How many foreign men in Thailand do you ever see reading a book?!
  17. have you got a Thai wife or girlfriend? Are you trying to ask him, "Have you done as well as I have with my massage girl"?
  18. Doesn't matter, you have previously (ridiculously) announced that almost all Thai women have been involved in prostitution.
  19. Do you personally have a problem with "dark skinned" Thai women as that comment borders on overt racism. Personally a woman's skin color isn't a factor in whether or not I consider her attractive, but then again, I'm not racist. He did not show one iota of racism in that comment, he was stating a factual view generally held by Thai men.
  20. No, that is a fact. No, it is not, it is an over-generalised, subjective opinion.
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