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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. It only covers people who abide by it. No, the 90-day only applies to people who are required to file one. VE entries aren't.
  2. Being a scumbag isn't an offence, being a scumbag on a 25-year overstay is.
  3. He probably didn't make any banking transactions that needed to be done at the counter. He was reported as saying that on the occasions that he was asked about his passport by authorities he successfully bulls1tted them saying that his extension was being processed.
  4. Yeah, right. How many do you know in that category? Why would anyone who can just cough up B100K on demand not get their overstay sorted?
  5. No, he did not say "there are no more overstayers in Thailand".
  6. What if it does change, it won't have any effect on you, will it?
  7. Probably the same way that everyone does.
  8. Why would he have to do a 90-day report? You had a clear record of his entry in the OP and didn't bother to read it.
  9. Not so simple supporting himself legitimately in those circumstances, though.
  10. That's not obvious, at all, yet. The chances that he was up to some degree of "no good" are fairly high.
  11. To suggest that I am a fool by quoting words from a Doobie Bros song at me, as though they're something profound, displays an astonishing level of "pour soul". Then you compound it with the lame "dumb orange grifter" insult. Gawd.
  12. Not only seismically active, but volcanically active too You seriously think that would not be taken into consideration and that they need a couple of Asean Now posters to point out the snags? Has construction not taken place on existing seismically-active areas?
  13. London to New York in an hour is not a bad idea. An escalator to the Moon isn't.
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