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Everything posted by Justanotherone

  1. 1 can you not park there? any sign? 2 official police notice , anyone could chain them up ? 3 fines, do thai people pay any ?
  2. nice all those trillions wasted and lives lost... poppy growing strong again... thought that was haram unless they sell to the evil west
  3. we will have the first part of the cremation in the morning and the last part after lunch?
  4. imagine music maffia extorting every shop here in thailand, for daring to play music without paying them...happens in my home country...
  5. share the link maybe the dude can lose his pension and life savings too...
  6. now if every victim did that...maybe police could locate them better...everybody knows who and where they are, same as for illegal casino's, police never seem to know
  7. 1 million baht to bring a dead body back? why not cremate here and spread ashes in the sea...
  8. usufruct, wife can die, you keep everything, till you die, time to find new wife and make kids...
  9. pee in a bottle or bucket till it is full, then throw it outside...
  10. for 1900 baht you are safe to re-enter, well, for another 1000 baht then on top... wonder why they don't include this in this 1 year extension, but hey, thailand is barely in the 20th century or maybe 19th century mentality I am also thinking in, not extending, visiting home or other countries and maybe come back a few times with the 60 days, not staying more than 180 days...
  11. might be in a big surprise this year when it drops 60-70% as predicted by some 'professionals' that saw 2008 before it happened
  12. there is pollution all year round the occasional rain can help a bit cool season, so called high season for tourist = no rain and super bad for health all those stupid tourists are not aware of the toxin air, specially if they bring babies or small kids... clear air in their home country, outrages dangerous and hidden here...
  13. you can read at the bottom For more information or to book an appointment, visit MedPark Hospital’s website Spomsored/ well whatever the above means
  14. savings account 15% term account or others is indeed 30% someone has to sponsor all the illegals, politicians, ...
  15. how do you sell anything without being present at the land department, that will ask their share to be paid, up to 8.8% in taxes and others ??? if I lose my chanote, I go to the land department and ask a new 'orignal' copy, as the ORIGINAL stays at the land department this story smells...
  16. interest rates also suck in BE compared to USA/UK... I always wonder, how can santander UK give 5% and only 2.xx something in Belgium... same bank... I wanted to buy blackrock ishares, but only for US citizens... European stocks, not interested
  17. who here knows that the pediatrician gets 'incentives' aka a big fat bonus, he can fully vaccinate a certain amount of kids.... zero of them know anything about interactions with all the vaccines, and NO ONE EVER DID CLINICAL TRIALS for all the shots together...
  18. what about a law, that only gives you back a little after you put in a lot into the system so no free housing, no free hotels, no free money, no free anything for ILLEGAL ECONOMIC migrants and fake refugees
  19. can you recommend us this hospital...so much bad news and you still went there...
  20. daddy run after being ousted for not paying tax on his billions of dollars did she pay taxes on the 'gift' of a few billion dollars? probably not
  21. son brought the family millions of dollars with daddy's aid... clinton did the same... bush also...
  22. wow that is one long copy pasted commercial ad
  23. they might ask what is the reason and don't forget to bring a thai
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