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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. did I say it was difficult? nah u assumed it. I said it was a crap system/website with poor English.
  2. Thats called being selfish <deleted> which that generation now are whilst bleating about being misgendered, theyre just a bunch of narcissists these days, needs a good war to show them what lifes really about and how meaningless the drivel they think important really isnt.
  3. I just plonk my stuff down on top of theres so its obvious, and if they still serve them first walk off leaving the staff to go put all the things back on the shelves. They probably drive the same too!
  4. All of them agreed that they could be fully audited before proceedings began...thought so.
  5. everything, the old site says it doesnt know you anymore and you have to re register, waste of time badly done website. same old same old.
  6. New system as crap as the old, they really need a NATIVE speaker of English on ALL Thai websites, also it no longer tells you your NEXT reporting date, you have to work it out yourself. I was approved immediately
  7. as opposed to all those runaway fatherless kids Thailand has running round in the villages of Thailand.
  8. look how they count road deaths, then look at how many firearms are unregistered, look at how the police sell guns, look at how the army has firearms go missing. Then read a TAT report about 50billion tourists coming......tomorrow, and as a final insult ask a 7-11 girl or any shop owner to do maths at any level.
  9. 301 people you MUST avoid on the roads, bet none of them wear a seatbelt. I despair at people and their "beliefs" a sad world when science had saved so many to have this aboslute drivel spread. And they question Thai education.
  10. 5 times a day over loudspeakers EVERYDAY? coming soon slaughter a goat in the street, and churches dont start at 5 am and often only Sundays or weddings or practicing.
  11. May as well vote for a peanut called gordon, probably got better policies than all the other useless parties and make more sense, cant see any difference all pretty sheite all round, too obsessed with being careful what they say, none of them can utter a sentence without it being approved wasting money sending migrants to Rwanda, just shoot a few of them dead in the boats so they realise that that non safe country they left behind ( oh really) might be a better choice after all. They know damn well if they can drag a baby on board the soft Bwitish will give them everything, clearly they dont value the life of their sprogs anyway to do that. I vote for 6 months benefit for the unemployed, then none at all if you cant find a job in 6 months your useless anyway, no more council housing or housing schemes where they throw/force "social houses" in amongst private developments, total recipe for disaster, best man woman for the job not stupid quotas of black white green pink disabled misgendered weirdos, removal of all the stupid surveillance cameras everywhere, removal of speed limits especially wales and its dumb as frick 20mph £28 million re signAge costs...........Well I could go on but none of them stand for what I want. Dont get me started on wastage in the NHS, council tax and local mostly bankrupt yet increasing the rates by 10% councils etc etc etc
  12. 10 years too late you stoopid twits, just as me and mrs me wanted a sprog but couldnt have one you dropped the hammer banning it.........useless berks, typical knee jerk to Baby factories, well tough sheite Thailand you lost.
  13. Are u questioning the impeccable Thai education system slagged off in an article yesterday? asking for an illiterate friend/ alcoholic.
  14. probably read the old tourist site an deemed it ok https://globalvoices.org/2011/04/24/thailand-outrage-over-topless-teen-dancing/
  15. I got mine all cut out, its frikkin awful, Chevrolets were quite good till they bugggred off and Fords and Mazdas were the worst
  16. What utter sheite, those that get titles will try and sell it , those that dont wil try to pawn it, the rest will pour so many chemicals on them it will be contaminated forever.
  17. Jesus Id be more concerend by that awful orange peel than the cat, ceramic coating........hmmm snake oil imo
  18. be honest, would you employ a Thai or a robot for maximum efficiency, time keeping, attention to detail.......... etc etc
  19. Thi is nothing to do with protecting users rights just the govt spying on you even more.
  20. Funny but i renewed my tax disc last week with two unpaid fines at PRACHUAP.......nothing mentioned, long live the public fight against BS speed cameras which do NOTHING to save lives.....now if they had a tailgate camera, or a U turn camera, or a cretinous <deleted> looking at a phone camera that would do something ,nowt to do with safety all to do with money. I drove round with no number plates for 6 months as dealer too lazy to get them for my new pick up. Got stopped after 6 months fined 500 baht called friend in Police cancelled in 2 seconds, best thing about Thailand.
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