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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. not by me or by farcebook in Thailand https://web.facebook.com/groups/1670996713246917/?_rdc=1&_rdr
  2. Does this mean when I see Thais and the garbage they throw everywhere especially out in the boonies I can justifably carry an iron bar?
  3. Courts and the law are only for the wealthy and the backlog is so immense.
  4. I built a second interior wall up against the neighbours condo with a 2 inch air gap filled with fibreglass and then the odd squirt of spray foam to bond the blocks to the party wall every so often.
  5. Get a Makro..........bury it deeper, use hdpe pipe with no joints in, 1 metre deep, also useful for burying lazy workers. 9 years ago no problems, that galvanized stuff is crap, but if you really wanted pour concrete over it ( the hdpe)
  6. After seeing many a sheite install and many a sheite cleaning guy I learnt how to clean my own. I also boughty aircons with an easily removable drain tray "DaiKin" do one. You can remove the entire tray easily. With it out I then stick a hose on the end of the drain pipe and blast the jelly out. Followed by bleach. If your aircon guy isnt dismantling the airocn chances are they arent cleaning out the drain. Also I stuck some fine mesh in the drain pipe where it exits the room to stop anything crawling up it such as ants , jing joks etc and those wasps thing which like to make a mud nest.
  7. Its a human trait to want to "believe" in a God ( nonsense of course ) its also a human trait to want to think life has any meaning whatsoever. I really dont see why there should be any meaning, it just "is". Just remember as Monty Python sang, you were the lucky sperm that actually came to fruition. Then you can listen to "Every sperm is sacred" good old dig at religion, followed by the "Galaxy song" One day it will all be gone......... pause for thought and realise "you" are nothing, then get on with whaetever you do, could be worse you could have been born in a starving African country.
  8. They should lock up the tv show directors for appaling use of boings, bongs, dingz and other dumbass noises........tv for 2 year olds
  9. Christ pal you really are talking sheite. If it would save the life of one power pole.....Id agree
  10. Blow on each grain for 2 minutes, please pass that information on to all Thai farmers you know, I like to help.
  11. SO does genital mutilation in some countries............ doesnt make it right in fact Id say its a rather stupid and dangerous practice that needs changing, they arent all riding buiffalos anymore.....even in Issan. They should be prosecuting the rice grower. The road is not their personal drying area its for pedestrians and vehicluar traffic
  12. Another too late crock of <deleted>e ruined by "baby factorys" run by foreigners and Thais some years ago prevented my self and Wife going down the surrogacy route when the govt Banned it all. Thanks Thailand you lost big time, its quality you want not quantity although someone has to do the spadework in factories fields etc. to keep the higher ups businesses functioning. Keep it up..........
  13. Even chimpanzees go on murdering sprees its not just a human trait.
  14. and whose to say its wrong or right, no people probably = better planet. You dont need any "spiritual" mumbo jumbo to be decent half the problem is belief in mumbo jumbo like that then fighting others for that fantasy.
  15. sounds like your replacing god with spiritual, neither exist
  16. God was made in Mans image.......funny that eh, surely just coincidence. Its a farce
  17. problem is you are looking at it purely through human eyes, many animals do what could be described as evil things, they arent evil its just nature. There is no good bad all are human constructs.
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