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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Christ what a bunch of lily livered offended folk now inhabit Thai Visa........ oh my feelings have been hurt booo hoooo.
  2. There was a time when I would have said its dreadful.......... but what would you rather have? The UK has so many restrictions you are afraid to fart in your own car, personally I would rather now have the Thai way where they give the finger to the govt over road matters. Wales even worse 20mph speed limits everywhere, the govts plan to stop you using the car for sure over time with breathalysers built into vehicles also coming soon no doubt ring fencing. Its getting worse and YOU are being suckered into the safety BS. 24hour driver monitoring.............just F off govts.
  3. If only this thread could be merged with the "Do you believe in God and why" I think we'd be onto a winner
  4. I welcome you elitist white person lovely to talk to , welcome the eltists.
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-11559451 https://www.euractiv.com/section/central-europe/news/multiculturalism-doesn-t-work-in-hungary-says-orban/ https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20110211-sarkozy-tf1 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swedish-pm-says-integration-immigrants-has-failed-fueled-gang-crime-2022-04-28/ were there anymore cliched facts you could throw in about your new fantasy friend? Was she vegan perhaps, would hope so at the very least? Disappointed she didnt identify as "they " though.
  6. you spouted exactly the same crap in another topic on one of my posts..using the exact same words "wifey visa and refugee", why dont you do everyone a favoure and ssip off
  7. I bought a Toyota Vigo off a friend for 420k baht just 1 year after he bought it from new as he said it was too big for BKK and he'd only done 3k kilometres, I sold it 10 years later for 400K and 260k kilometres within 2 days of telling a friend of mine (Thai)
  8. Ah I see why i stopped posting on Thai Visa its because most posters are utter <deleted> <deleted>, no change after a year off I see ta ta.
  9. The problem isnt the negihbour its the crappy aac block walls, wouldnt say they were overly noisy its just you can hear everything though the wall
  10. Huh, it isnt a hell hole of a unit it does have wafer thin walls but only one neighbour as Im on the top floor corner unit. Yes i got a good price , 12 years ago a 25% discount off the normal price at thats time . They sell for 3.6 million now the building is well maintained and was painted externally/internally 18 months ago. I paid 1.9m, its 47m2, cinderblocks are 75mm thick and behind that there is another 50mm air gap filled with fibreglass, if you look you can see one of the building support columns which Ive built out to. That bedroom is quite large already, you wont miss 125mm of space. Close to tesco On Nut. 180m to bts
  11. I didnt trtiple glaze the window I over boarded it with 12mm plasterboard and polystyrene foam insulation behind it. The other isnulation is the stuff used in roof spaces available at homepro thai watsadu global house etc in rolls this is 75mm thick size
  12. Ive just moved into a new condo ( well built 2012) on Sukhumvit road, Phrakanong, High floor 19 but the bedroom sliding balcony window may as well be absent for all the good it does. Ive alreay ordered a new frame 8 foot tall by 12 foot wide with double glazed units and one casement opening internally door as the sliding thing thats there now is useless, you can put your hand thru where the doors overlap each other. The old room Im doing up to rent out, Thats the noisier one in the OP, should be quiet enough when Im done and it doesnt cost much to do as I do it all myself, blocks are cheap 6 baht.
  13. This was the old view and window now overboarded mand insulated too
  14. This is a corner room, it had two windows but about 5 years after moving in they built around us and now the one window looks directly onto a hotel where their guests hang around at night having loud conversations on the steps into the place and even though Im on the top floor (8) the sound travels up easily. Ive overboarded the one window and insulated inside that with polystyrene sheet, theres plenty of light with just the one window and now the view has gone its not needed.
  15. Walls are made of AAC blocks in this condo, they appear to do nothing for noise so Ive done a bit of modification today. The last neghbour spent all night banging his girllfriend.......oh .oh....oh.......oh., urgh,...............urgh.........urgh.........Kamikaze......he was Japanese and sounded like he was killing her. The new neighbour seems to come in at 1am regularly and has laughing fits with her friend until 3 am..then goes out to work at 8am, beats me how she only gets 3-4 hours sleep a night. Also by cunning design her bed backs onto my wall and has built in drawers which she likes to bang shut. Mass kills noise fibreglass in between also. After will be doing built in wardrobes over the wall.....probably wont hear much then.
  16. Iran savior of us all...........meanwhile those nice chaps at Hamas who can do no wrong https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181
  17. Grow a pair of wazza jugs, get your lips puffed out by letting wasps sting them, remove eybrows and felt tip pen some new ones on and voila...Instant money in the bank guaranteed, worked for that other old dog a few weeks back from Sweden even though she was whoring herself off on Fans Only previously.
  18. Hard to know, and the reality is violence often does ultimately solve the problem (although not without consequences) hence "wars" not that I agree with that but sometimes there is no solution. You can end up with a compromise when often one party needs to realise what they are doing is unacceptable but it is hard to accept when told youre wrong. Stronger law enforcement would be better for many trivial matters especially in Thailand where someone could go round to each neighbour and lay down what the law says. In the UK I used to get many times people obstructing my driveway, after a while the tempation is to literally go out and smash up their car and them and bugger the consequences, when asking them you are often told theyll only be a minute ( except it goes on all day) to "whats your problem " to "Ill park where I want" to "what you going to do about it" etc Ive always restrained myself, but its really hard to not lash out due to pure selfishness on their part. Ive always been afraid to lash out in life as I thought if I let myself go the end result would be someones death.
  19. Yes they can be very vindictive for a very long ( if not lifetime) time.
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