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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. I met a woman (inmate) once in a psychiatric clinic, she told me she had a pierced nipple, proceeded to show me then dragged me to the toilets for a shag, I think she was bored
  2. so do bushy bushes, cant undertsand this baldy everywhere look, gimme a nice thick jungle anyday. Right wheres my 70's 80's jazz mags gone
  3. I d prefer to shove it up their arses, incredibly rude when I see people at checkouts dont even look at the person there dealing with both staff an customers, head buried in phone.................guess "old school" and politeness is now a dirty word
  4. you dont have to assimilate into it, as long as you obey the rules the Thais do it should be no problem, unlike my own country where you can get benefits from the govt , here you will get nothing, no need to assimilate, just be polite , but no need to follow much of their "culture" its often drivel
  5. Thanks for the report, I have to look at all sides and it appears many have had success, sorry to hear yours didnt work out.
  6. I look forward to even more heads buried in phones , zombie world
  7. I can save you time with that, theyre all cretins, please send my fee to....
  8. I like it best when the morons race each other
  9. because that officer has training in this matter, not that the bus is probably a fabricated mess with no collision testing then?
  10. ok so i was correct also GULF air can be even cheaper, Emirates are a joke I paid £1700 last year with Gulf, Emirates wanted £4000 .....hilarious and Gulf And Oman both use new 787's with direct aisle access, Theyre darn good seats. Service like all of them these days ( inc emirates), mediocre in Gulf, absolute sheit with Oman
  11. car parking generally
  12. more likely he went up to the 38th floor tied one end of a rope round his neck and the other to the balcony, slit his wrists and gently stepped off , whilst squeezing the trigger of his gun on the way down............... it wasnt the ex wives that bothered him
  13. I agree, no kids I aint got any, Ive done my bit, now stop telling me I need an electric car to save the planet
  14. you can say the same about ANY religion, all tripe
  15. No, Ill complain about anything, anyone , anytime, anyplace Im an equal opportunities fully diverse and inclusive complainer, I even get on my own tits
  16. I murdered all my ex wives and the kids, then ate them, thanks for being there for me so I could get it off my chest last night.
  17. There is One and only one dentist I use in BKK and thats because I can get IV sedation, Ive had this for over 30 years in the UK and here. I have found no other place that does it . Some people write bad things about this practice, and they certainly arent cheap but I dont care as long as I get IV sedation . It costs about 5000 baht the person who does it teaches it at a dental school, she speaks english is I guess around 45-50 yrs old. After youve had IV sedation you will never use anything else. Asavanant is the name , look it up. Youy will have to have a blood test at the hospital and general check up before you do it and they also check a few other things, none of which I had to do in the UK which I find funny as everytime i have it they request this. I do realise you say non sdedation butn ive never found anything that helps http://www.asavanant.com/index1.php
  18. completed it well with the god damn awful trout pout, how the hell people think this looks good amazes me
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