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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. You're American. (Sorry to cross-post about your theory of guessing posters nationalities.) But you gave yourself away in this post. ????????????
  2. Clearly posted by someone who has never lived in the UK or Australia. You are thinking of "Sunshine" not sunbeam. "Chappy" (Chappies) is a South African bubblegum brand. Nothing else, ever. British Army officers refer to their men as "chaps". "Old chap" is used as a gentle reproachment among the same class when addressing each other. I've never heard "sunbeam" used to mean anything anywhere other than, a sunbeam. I never heard Aussies call sellotape "Durex" either. Maybe that was before Vegemite was invented! A lot of Aussies don't know Marmite was the market leader in Australia for many years, Vegemite won through by a shortage of Marmite, the Army buying Vegemite in WW2, and a national marketing competition offering a Chevy as first prize! Now, back to the "English" debate ????????????
  3. Speak for yourself, I use many English "dialects" even spellings, depends on subject matter audience, my mood, etc. I was born in one place, raised another, and never stopped moving, except for a few decades downunder then off again, with the last ten years being 8 in Thailand with stints elsewhere, and now downunder, temporarily, with a condo in Thailand. The only place I ever bought!
  4. Pinochet was old. Maybe they were evil criminals? We don't know. It's unlikely to be a sectarian killing as they're Muslim names, unless they were informers. The weapons alleged to be used are interesting, usually Communist supply small arms where this sort of thing goes on worldwide.
  5. The grunts do the arresting, the fat cats are all in on it. This was exposed with people trafficking, why would drugs be done any different? The sheer volumes speak volumes. Also, as you said , removing some villains only make a business vacancy for more, the riches on offer are VAST. No other crime is so profitable, it's time solutions that actually limit crime and legally manage drug use are found. The science of addiction is just being wilfully ignored , the UK fired the chief drug scientist because the politicians both sides, are in complete denial. A useless state of moral panic. They've learned nothing from the Al Capone era, when all these other drugs were perfectly legal! Worldwide.
  6. You can pull emoji from your phone keyboard ???????????? Maybe older computers don't have this functionality? Also, I have one loser kid sister, and a really decent second cousin, Dave, who tracked me down using a DNA site. The rest were oxygen theives, except there was a nice auntie who unfortunately, I believed my sisters propaganda until it was too late. But her kids are losers too. My dad was a bit of a neo nazi, so that's why I'm a lefty now. Tho I was as bad as he was growing up, then I started to think and read, and wised up a bit.
  7. When the buffoons in BKK realise they backed the wrong pony, it will all be a misunderstanding. Just for once I'd like to see these Teflon Thai grifters get their come-uppance.
  8. How much more money? That's infinite, and it seems looking at Zuckerberg, Bezos, Putin, etc never enough. My health is my wealth. And even Sumner Redstone, a famed death-dodger who got frozen (LoL) won't ever be coming back.
  9. You mean the guy, who, as a serving General, was implicated by his own police force in human trafficking? And had the only honest cop in Thailand sent into exile or face certain death down in the restive south? That guy? ????
  10. Maybe you didn't see the video of him and his own daughter at the gates of Balmoral? If that's appropriate and 'accidental' given everything known and in front of the world press, you're in denial. Guiffres win and Maxwell's jail time is NOT indicative of consensual sex. More fawning royalist denial from you. Members of HM forces even wrote to the Queen in protest. What has a widely known unjust and highly abused Thai law got to do with this thread? Is that a threat? If it is, try harder.
  11. If you aren't in the club, you do the time, krub!
  12. Maybe he's thinking to sell his "favours" in Soi Boystown if the beads don't buy that Emirates sky Suite.
  13. 1. You seem to be legally unqualified to speak in his royal nonces defence. And he still had to pay in more ways than one, in spite of the best defence money can buy! 2. Anyone else would be in jail and NOT ALLOWED to be at their mothers funeral to begin with. If he had any shame or decency, he would have stayed away, and paid his respects after hours. 3. Unlike bees, The Queen is not in any way biologically above the rest of us, they are all where they are because we accept them being there, when all the BS is stripped away, it's really all there is to it.
  14. There's much about Asian cultures I admire, and lots I think sucks too. I don't like the way most Thais are brainwashed to accept their humble lot, but I still enjoy the gracious deference of the female gender because of this same culture! Is that hypocrisy? Well, it's the Thai way too! I'm just as hypocritical (when in Rome) as the Romans are. I agree Aussie and Kiwi life is "boring" so then someone earlier said that's a subtext to signal one enjoys renting company by the hour? ???? Damn right I does, when I gets the chance! Often the same people who whine about PC gone mad have no problem judging others, and that's all being "PC" is -judging from high moral ground, just using a different yardstick, but it's not a specifically lefty behaviour! often, they're up to no good themselves, but lets let that slide. Culture is a buffet, we can take the stuff we like, and leave the rest, but what's the point in getting all <deleted> off about the Chinese hogging the prawns if one's allergic to seafood? People insist on getting all wound up about the other side, when in fact we're going to die, so why spend ones priceless time being <deleted> off at something we can't change in, or about, others?
  15. As always it's terrible journalism. I *think* they mean he tried to not pay at all. And that was the jacked price, but someone didn't get their share, because he didn't pay so... It's Thailand it's cray-cray.
  16. He's very likely just <deleted> off somone upstairs. It's the same in Xi ruled China. Corruption is allowed, because it's a great weapon when a strongman needs to eliminate personal threats.
  17. Would you vote for the a guy who wanted to go full blown military parades no matter what? One of the greatest cons in history is Communism, both the left and the right think it's a socialist construction, it's not, it's a Facist Dictatorship. Both the Nazis and the Communists proclaim they're of the people, for the people, by the people. It's horse<deleted>. But yeah, when you're pointing the finger at lefties there's your own three fingers point back at you.
  18. Go to www.numbeo.com Compare those items with Sydney or Auckland prices, you'll be unpleasantly surprised. Numbeo is open source, prices are input by anyone who logs on.
  19. The other side of the coin, of course, is those prices support the Aussie economy which supports us, which enables us to get to Land O Slaves and party/retire there. It's foolhardy to be glass half empty about home, imagine living under the jackboot like 98% of all Thais do, with no chance of it ever improving? Not a lecture, just a thought. ????
  20. A hundred years ago (or even 1927) life was unremittingly <deleted> everywhere. Then you died early. And you say Antipodeans live in a fantasy world? Bruh. ????
  21. Why would NZ need fighter planes? Seriously, think it through. If I wanted to "see" the military I'll fly back to Thailand. NZ has plenty problems we agree on but a bloated military or pointless jets isn't one of them. The NZDF did a great job during the zero Covid nonsense, I was genuinely impressed by the personnel I encountered. And yes, I am ex services (not NZ).
  22. I have to agree with your summary on NZ it's in a time warp compared to Aussie, and boy do I miss Thailand! But, we're the opposite, we have two properties in different Thai cities, it's further complicated as missus is looking after dying relative in the Sukhumvit place, I'm in NZ, and back in the grind, as well as getting her a resident option just in case we need plan b if the lunatics take over the asylum and blame "farangs" as a distraction for their own problems (it's happened before, Germany, Uganda, Indonesia, China right now! etc.) Also, she can work here, we both top up the kitty, and just figure out maybe how to get a small NZ batch we can rent out, then use the income from three properties in two places to retire on (while renting ourselves) in LoS. I know Cindy doesn't have her fans, but it's laughable using NZ politics as a legit excuse when you consider the absolute <deleted>show that Thailand has suffered since WW2. What makes that dangerous, is there we have zero rights. That's not likely to happen in NZ. There's still healthcare and the pension if it goes pear shaped in paradise. Never burn your bridges if you're lucky enough to have one to NZ. I'm a dual UK citizen, and my blood runs cold looking at the PM they just got lumbered with. That place is starting to make Thailand look organised!
  23. First of all truck driver had his head up his behind. But, 1am. Deserted road, both turning RIGHT not left. , truck not speeding. You tell me how a sober rider would end up on the far right corner of T junction? Was he trying to overtake non indicating truck to head straight?? Why stop there at all? No oncoming. But in Thailand who does that? Everyone undertake, esp at T junction. Other scenario, truck cut them up, but again l, sober rider have two options, stay put, or U turn the hell out of there, you can't tell me they didn't see the truck! At some point they passed it, or saw/heard it approach from behind. ample time to give it a wide berth by moving away from it. Why were they stationary waiting to turn right at 1 am? Makes no sense!
  24. While the Truck driver was "lazy" at best, if not impaired himself, there's no way in my mind I can make this tragedy happen if presumably, the rider was sober and a licensed rider. If sober: 1. He must have passed, seen, and been aware of the truck and it's position at all times, that's how sober riders stay alive! 2. Who stops at a turn at 1am with no oncoming traffic? 3. Who with any roadcraft experience in Thailand, overtakes a truck on the right approaching a T junction on the same side? The best solution would be to carefully manouvre slightly behind it on the left. Even if turning right!
  25. ??? you mean who stays on the left of the road when turning left ???? The rest of your comment is just utterly preposterous - the truck cut the whole corner across to the other-side of the road where the motorcyclists were - drunk or not the position of their motorcycle was perfectly normal for a motorcycle turning left. It would be the same if they were stopped on a straight road and the truck crossed the centre line and drove other them. Your comments read as if you are trying to blame the motorcyclists for simply being there. This is by no means a measure of whether these guys were drunk. Any motorcyclist sober or otherwise turning left at that point in time would have found themselves in the same position, on the left hand-side of the road, turning left. Only with 20/20 hindsight could it be predicted that the truck would cut the corner like that. First of all truck driver had his head up his behind. But, 1am. Deserted road, both turning RIGHT not left. , truck not speeding. You tell me how a sober rider would end up on the far right corner of T junction? Was he trying to overtake non indicating truck to head straight?? Why stop there at all? No oncoming. But in Thailand who does that? Everyone undertake, esp at T junction. Other scenario, truck cut them up, but again l, sober rider have two options, stay put, or U turn the hell out of there, you can't tell me they didn't see the truck! At some point they passed it, or saw/heard it approach from behind. ample time to give it a wide berth by moving away from it. Why were they stationary waiting to turn right at 1 am? Makes no sense!
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