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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. Referring to the history (unfortunately, it's off topic) it seems there are not many Ukrainians who are much excited about his "a lot of vision"...
  2. Speaking about floor vacuuming: When cleaning the floor from the sides, one will realize how easy it is when having rather a narrow pool. Then instead of pushing/pulling a long tube back and forth (what might whirl up the fine dust) it's easier to walk along each of the long sides and push the vacuum head in front of you. That would not be quite possible for a pool 6 x 6 m, even with a very long tube. In the previous OP such pool is planned. Then not only this cleaning factor is to be well considered but also that the swimming - if it is for a good daily exercise - is better in a longer pool that in a square wider pool. If the area for a longer pool is available.
  3. The same one you can get from Lazada x-times cheaper. I used to use the same one - few of them in years (not bought that time on Lazada), however, also much cheaper than 2,000 Baht. I think the one on the picture above is not 14", that would need 6 + 6 wheels, the sections are modular connected by screws. Recently bought another type not with wheels but with brushes around. And not so wide - it does not much matter when taken few more laps - it's better for cleaning around stairs. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1662736049-s4636808875.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1 (Seeing now that I paid some 100 Baht less than showing now.)
  4. You can surely provide a plausible link that "80% of the pools had broken kitchen tiles" and that "the customers complained about the dangers & cuts received"? Or you might explain why the kitchen tiles break so easily in the pool water where no impacting objects or heavy loads are attacking the tiles, unlike in the non-pool areas the 70 M of Thai population daily trample across? I agree - as I mentioned before - that many pools are being re-tiled after not so many years in operation. And I know about many made by professional companies, not so cheap. (Some of them even in a guarantee, a lot of discussions about the repair costs.) However, that's not because it was made by "kitchen tiles" but by any tiles. And that mainly when they were made by special tiles for pools, mainly the small mosaic tiles, where any lousy workmanship - or not correct bonding material - was in fault. Small tiles are prone to get loosen - however, not really getting broken. Any small defect or bubble inside the bonding mortar will cause water penetration that will later get increased more farther, especially with the water overly chlorinated and overly maintained by pH Minus. This fact does not matter so much at larger tiles - whether of kitchen or any other ones - the large bonding area of the tile will further keep the tile in place. That's my case where I see few tiles where the gaps were not so precisely grouted, but that was so already 15 years ago and it is still the same. No way that the 40cm tile would get loosen - or broken - how much I would ever trample over it. Unless I brought the village elephant to take a swim and walk over the tiles. In fact, the larger tiles are only the "kitchen tiles" (my new pool in my next life will be made by kitchen tiles 60x60cm from GH, tiled without a gap) and the smaller tiles are only the pool tiles, aren't they? The precise grouting of the tiles needs quite a long time, especially at the small tiles, comparing with the larger ones. How many km of the gaps are to be properly filled in? And this works comes at the end of the contractor's job when the workers are hurrying to get the last portion of their lump sum payment (mau). So, the quality of the grouting is not always how it should be. And that's what has caused the tile problems in most cases for re-tiling.
  5. That is not what I referred to. How did you read my remark? I did not refer to a US Mission to OSCE but to: OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), not the same "mission". Here one of their last one (note the date): Daily Report 42/2022 issued on 23 February 2022: https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512872
  6. On the second thought I have to add something more to the ridiculous remark about a girl with 9 stitches, reasons of demonizing "kitchen" tiles for swimming pools: What's the danger for the 70 million population who live almost all of them in houses furnished by the cheapest "kitchen' tiles? And that not only in the bathrooms and kitchens where the wives throw heavy casseroles on the husbands but also in other rooms where the heavy teak furniture is standing on the miserable tiles for ages, where the people with their overweight body are daily trampling across? So, do we get such circumstances and heavy trampling in a water? Why not to find other plausible reasons for promoting tiles costing 1,000 Baht/sqm instead of 120 Baht?
  7. Actually, I could not care less about any answer whatever it says, I was referring to OSCE Special Monitoring Mission reports that show substantially increased shelling the days prior to Russian action.
  8. Paradoxically, the OSCE reports - even the ones from the February days before the war start - were not really favorable to Ukraine regime, were they?
  9. Is it the wish of Congress to generously care for the droves of illegal immigrants pouring through the unfinished beautiful wall?
  10. Wasn't it originally meant that a joint investigation will be provided? Anyway, sometimes strange situations happen at investigations, as it had happened few times before. However, the recent missile dropping to Poland, wasn't it Ukraine team investigating?
  11. Wasn't it 11 stiches [sic] when we last time read about that? Will the breakage edge of the special tile (in a rare case if it breaks) be not sharp enough to cut a girl? Do we see breakages of tiles in our kitchens and bathrooms where sometimes heavy things are thrown (sometimes by wives on us)? And do we fall on the breakages and getting cut? (but I do not sell the "kitchen" tiles, nor any other... ????)
  12. Strange that Russia has not been invited to the investigation. Or has it been changed?
  13. Yeh, there were many who have believed that, wasn't it highly likely? That's why Poland FM summoned the Russian ambassador and demanded immediate detailed explanations.
  14. It has to get a real courage to write something what's not really "snow white" about Ukraine. As was also the case few weeks ago about another UN official Dr Agnes Callamara being now Secretary General at Amnesty International. She apologized for the outrage it has caused to Ukraine officials, however, she did not retracted AI findings.
  15. I asked about your doubts about trustworthy info of that what you read. Anyway, it seems that you - or your sources - do not say the whole story. Perhaps you should read what this week the Head of UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Matilda Bogner reported: https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/11/1130657
  16. Everywhere in Thailand there is a wonderful offer of tiles of any size and color, whether it is in large stores or at the village hardware shop. And for the prices that are almost 10 x cheaper than the ones advertised specially for a swimming pool. I bought more than 15 years ago the usual "kitchen" tiles, installed by village brick-layers (chaang pun), till now haven't noticed any deterioration. That in contrast to pools seeing many around they had to re-tile their special for pools fashie mosaic tiles within 5 - 7 years.
  17. Perhaps you missed my question: "Hasn't come to your unbiased mind even a slight doubt that the one side might not be perhaps always so angelic and that the other side might not be always so demonic?"
  18. Do you have a creditable link to your statement?
  19. Aren't you off-topic? (substituting for mod, however, I cannot delete your post...????)
  20. An old saying says the first casualty of every war is the truth. Provided that over many months (and actually many years before) we hear only positive reports about/from one side and only negative reports about (and nothing from) the other side. Hasn't come to your unbiased mind even a slight doubt that the one side might not be perhaps always so angelic and that the other side might not be always so demonic?
  21. The election has been executed. Please look forward to the next election... Wondering whether will be one day when the population - not only the one of the election country - will not be entertain (and distracted) by the election?
  22. Apart of it that it wasn't by Russians, even one people killed is one too many. Recently, we have not heard much about civilian casualties daily (beside the military ones). However, almost every day we hear about civilian casualties from other parts of world, either by missiles or shot on the street. And in those cases there is no such enragement, nor any articles invoking. Wondering why...
  23. I do my chlorination - in addition to the long term algae protection by copper sulphate - once a week (if I don't forget) by a handful of common chlorine (the one without cyanuric acid) thrown in OF tank where from it's slowly taken by pump, distributed into pool. With this simple procedure I have clear water every day throughout the year.
  24. Not sure who you refer to... Anyway, many historians are claiming that the war would have not been started as it had started in case Chamberlain would had been further keeping the PM office. The one who had taken over from him had had a different approach leading to a war - not really with much victorious battles.
  25. He has not known how to start a war, that's obviously why. To get a world peace, wouldn't be better to engage a president who is decorated by a Nobel Peace Prize? Couldn't he be better for the world peace?
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