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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. They may consider to (in 2026) raise the amount of liquid you can bring from 100ml to 125ml.
  2. I very rarely get a flat fare quote. Then I just firmly insist on the meter. Almost always helps. I had to start taking pictures of their registration 2 times, it helped (those 2 times were once at the airport and once upcountry). If everything doesn't help, I get out and leave the rear door open. I do watch my back. BTW complaints to tel 1584, by a Thai speaker. These things are taken seriously. Like lopburi3, I hardly ever take taxis at lower Sukhumvit or Khasarn. And I always flag a moving taxi. Unfortunately, farangs usually do not firmly insist on the metered fare (see Kao's post). Many tourist happily told me how they bargained an inflated flat fare down to what they called " a very good price". Usually twice the meter price. They like to feel rich, and the taxi drivers take advantage of their stupid inflated ego.
  3. Never a big fuss. But some do insist they don't go to my destination, usually they apologize and tell me the reason (end of shift, no more gas, doesn't know the destination). Then I get out and find another one. This is rare. Whereas when traveling with Thais (who always ask before getting in) lots of drivers refuse.
  4. You are too polite and ask them first for the destination, like Thais do. I get into the taxi first, then tell them where to go. The barrier to kick me out again is quite high. I know I am not nice. I don't care. When traveling together with a Thai, the Thai will ask the destination first and many taxis will refuse, no matter where. BTW i found Bolt just as useless as you
  5. I know of someone in a very similar situation with terminal cancer. In Bangkok. Friends of his are looking for some way to help him. If you can recommend a palliative care specialist, I would relate this information to his friends. Thx
  6. PS anybody has experience how to get the money back? It is not that much and it certainly will be difficult, but I will at least try.
  7. Bangrak? Can walk in? On Facebook they say every Wednesday. Anybody can confirm this? They don't answer the phone. What documents do they want for a vaccination? Passport and yellow book sufficient? Anywhere else? Me, too. Paid 1650 to Kasemrad Prachacheun Hospital last year for Moderna, now they refuse to vaccinate me. They say they don't have Moderna anymore, maybe Pfizer, maybe next month. It was clear that I am not the only one whose money they pocketed. Bumrungrad, Bangkok hospital, Sukhumvit hospital, Medpark all say they don't have vaccines.
  8. Private. About the most expensive you can find.
  9. No, absolutely not. Hungarian probably wouldn't sound similar like Russian even to you.
  10. The very limited possible health benefits of quitting coffee have been explained by Sheryl. But is OP drinking pure black coffee? If not, the health benefits of quitting sugar and artificial "creamers" are more real. Whereas coffee has health benefits, this junk has no benefits at all.
  11. It isn't even remotely close in quality to bad coffee.
  12. Some people are not so happy if hospitals remember too much too long. I can lead to insurance problems. But yes, I was p issed off when BNH didn't remember my HN from 2542 recently.
  13. Actually, 2-6 months. (If 6 months, I wouldn't have been able to get it.) For heavens sake! I didn't know that there are places in the world more bureaucratic than my home country. Yes. So you can't bring it easily to Thailand in your luggage. Not impossible, though, but I wouldn't recommend it to a layperson.
  14. I suspect his expression "with multiple reentries" doesn't mean "with a multiple re-entry permit" but " with multiple trips into and out of Thailand"?
  15. Laos generally a bit better than Thailand - and much better than CM -, South better than North.
  16. The resistant ones have been overgrown by the more common not-resistant ones. Not unusual.
  17. Yes, but they have a generic version (Thailand is deemed too wealthy to be allowed to produce it's own molnupiravir). Very cheap, not very useful. They mostly still use Favipiravir, cheap and pretty useless. Paxlovid is not available in Thailand.
  18. It is not somebody I don't know. It is a friend who came with Emirates. Medical questions on flights are his job, so he had a certain professional interest in this flyer.
  19. I don't like her "r"s. It just sounds too stilted.
  20. Where? In Bangkok, March is better. In CM, it's not better. CM worse. CR bad, too.
  21. No, it's not flu season. Flu season in Thailand is the rainy season. (Thailand is not the only tropical country where this is the case) The reason is not well understood. I might speculate that during the rainy season Thais are more indoors. Flu vaccinations are given before the rainy season, in May, after the school holidays. Just 2 posts before your post somebody wrote: Yes, sad and tiring.
  22. Google it, then you will know what is a flight surgeon
  23. My thought, too. Infected at the airport.
  24. I was told Emirates distributes flyers stressing how clean their air is. A mask is not necessary. I haven't seen the flyer myself, but the guy who flew Emirates told me the flyer encouraged people not to wear a mask. He is not a native speaker of English, though. Maybe some nuances got "lost in translation".
  25. I had visitors from Europe the last couple of weeks, coming on 5 different flights. The visitors on three of these five flights developed covid-19 2 or 3 days after arrival. They were all between 50 and 65. Three guys on the same flight of Thai Airways got all infected. They had their fourth vaccine just one month before the flight, the symptoms were only a common cold. Lasted a couple of days. Another guy on a different flight was sick (more or less bed ridden) here for one week. Still another guy on another non-stop flight was sick for almost 3 weeks, he also infected his Thai girlfriend who also was sick for about 3 weeks. I discussed this with a friend who is a flight surgeon: "this was to be expected". BTW TG encourages passengers to wear a mask. Emirates, I was told, encourages passengers not to wear a mask because the air in their planes is clean.
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