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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. 😅🤣😂 Well, she's proved that she has a good sense of humor!
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 71/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  3. This will probably trigger another round of payments to the courts and police involved. For the law enforcement in Thailand, 'Boss' is just a gift that keeps on giving!
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  5. Officially no-one has ever had sex in space. Unofficially I am sure it has happened! Way back in the 80's I used to hear the phrase 'ride Sally Ride' mentioned whenever sex in space was discussed!
  6. Her local Ratchapat University will probably be fairly inexpensive. If they live near Bangkok, Ramkamheng University was founded as a 'peoples' university and is also pretty affordable.
  7. A slap? It looked like more of a feeble pawing.
  8. IMHO Kamala is far from being a communist. If elected, she will almost certainly be a 'business as usual' president, just as Obama and Biden were. If she was really a communist lefty, she might actually do something about the ever increasing disparity of wealth in the US that is changing what used to be a mostly middle-class society into a modern feudal society with masses of struggling workers trying to please the billionaire class while also trying to pay their rent or mortgage.
  9. You might get better advice if you provide some more information. Where was the child born? (what country?) Were you legally married to the child's mother when it was born? (in Thailand that makes a difference) How old is the child? What is the child's current nationality? Who currently has legal custody of the child? What country does the child live in now? All of these will affect the possible answers to your question. Also, Thailand has many dual national citizens. Unless your country does not allow dual citizenship, adding Thai citizenship shouldn't affect the child's current citizenship and may prove useful in the future.
  10. Seat belts? No need to ask I suppose. Most newer vehicles have airbags which only make you safer if you are wearing a seat belt. Unrestrained people will often be pushed out a window by the expanding airbags!
  11. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 48 seconds  
  12. Does anyone want to bet as to whether he was wearing a seat belt or not?
  13. She'd have to dye her hair blonde to attract his attention!
  14. The police became suspicious when they saw her successfully parallel parking the stolen car!
  15. Another 'self made millionaire' rises to the top!
  16. My wife's parents died long before we met. Her closest relatives are her younger sister and niece and nephew who are all quite pleasant and well educated, so I don't have any problem spending time with them. She also has aunts, uncles and cousins spread throughout Thailand, from Hat Yai up to Chiang Mai, but we rarely see them.
  17. I have seen a couple of teachers sue for severance pay at a private school over the years, neither of them were successful. Having said that, Thai law judges each case on its own merits, rather than relying on precedent, so past experience is not a good predictor or future decisions!
  18. Well, they would say that, wouldn't they?
  19. The old definitions of right and left are being redefined. For example the left used to be anti-war, but now the right is anti-war (though not because they love peace, but because they are isolationists). As for the right admiring Xi, Putin and Kim, this ties in with the isolationism, they really don't care how other countries are run and they admire strong leaders. So, for the Maga people strong leaders are good and weak (Western Democratic) leaders are bad.
  20. I've been saying all along that the two reasons for pushing the digital wallet is 1- to buy votes and 2- to start tracking income/expenditures so that taxes can be collected more easily!
  21. That could really shoot Trump in the foot. According to the last election, while 50% of Democrats are 50 & older, 56% of Republicans are 50 & older!
  22. After having a heart attack I stopped drinking entirely. Before that I didn't drink during working days, but on Friday nights and Saturdays I would have a couple of beers or a couple of glasses of wine. When I first came to Thailand, more than 20 years ago, I would drink a LOT more, but still only on weekends or during long holidays.
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